A.C.A.B. Soundtrack (

A.C.A.B. Soundtrack (2012) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 8200 votes
Tags: armament
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A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards


A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards

In this intense drama, we follow a group of riot police officers in Rome as they navigate the complexities of their job and personal lives. The acronym A.C.A.B. is commonly used by the officers to describe themselves, standing for "All Cops Are Bastards."

The film delves into the moral dilemmas faced by the officers as they are caught between their loyalty to the force and their own sense of right and wrong. As tensions rise between the police and the citizens they are meant to protect, the officers must confront the consequences of their actions.

Through a series of events, the officers are forced to confront their own prejudices and biases, leading to a powerful exploration of the complexities of law enforcement and the impact it has on both individuals and society as a whole.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Seven Nation Army
The White Stripes: Performer
Jack White: Writer
Jolly Good
Dick Walter: Writer
New Dawn Fades
News Agenda
Our Day Today
One to One
Police On My Back
Where Is My Mind?
Club Foot
Zona Roja

User reviews

Kenneth Rodriguez

The incorporation of industrial sounds and distorted effects in certain moments added an edgy and raw quality to the soundtrack, enhancing the gritty realism of the film.

Kimberly Hall

Overall, the soundtrack of A.C.A.B. played a crucial role in elevating the film's narrative impact, serving as a powerful and evocative companion to the complex themes and conflicts explored on screen.

Sarah Allen

The soundtrack of A.C.A.B. effectively captured the tension and emotional turmoil of the film, adding depth to the storytelling.

Richard Wright

The choice of somber and melancholic melodies in pivotal scenes resonated with the themes of moral ambiguity and internal conflict explored in the storyline.

William Robinson

The use of music in key moments of the film is impactful and resonant, helping to convey the moral dilemmas faced by the officers as they navigate the complexities of their job and personal lives. The soundtrack brings an added layer of emotion and depth to the storytelling.

James Parker

The use of recurring motifs and themes throughout the soundtrack created a sense of cohesion and continuity, underscoring the interconnectedness of the characters' lives and choices.

Elizabeth Garcia

Overall, the soundtrack of A.C.A.B. is a standout element of the film, seamlessly blending with the visuals and performances to create a cohesive and immersive cinematic experience. The music not only complements the narrative but also elevates it, leaving a lasting impression on the audience long after the credits roll.

Timothy Jackson

The score of A.C.A.B. is not only powerful and evocative, but also serves as a reflection of the film's themes of loyalty, morality, and societal tensions. The music effectively immerses the audience in the world of the characters, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Susan Moore

The dynamic range of the soundtrack, from subdued and understated moments to intense and pulsating sequences, effectively mirrored the ebb and flow of the characters' emotional journeys.

Timothy Anderson

The soundtrack of A.C.A.B. felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the intense and dramatic scenes depicted in the film. The music failed to create a strong connection with the characters' internal struggles, leaving me feeling disconnected from the story.

Carol King

The diversity of musical styles and genres represented in the soundtrack reflected the diverse perspectives and experiences of the characters, adding layers of complexity to their narratives.

Steven Parker

The soundtrack of A.C.A.B. captures the intense and emotional journey of the riot police officers in Rome, adding depth and authenticity to the film's narrative. The music effectively sets the tone for the moral dilemmas and inner conflicts faced by the characters, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Robert Anderson

The soundtrack's seamless integration with the visuals helped to immerse the audience in the intense and turbulent world of the riot police officers, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Patricia Campbell

The use of minimalist instrumental tracks in key scenes helped to highlight the inner struggles of the characters, creating a haunting and introspective atmosphere.

Deborah Phillips

I found the choice of music in A.C.A.B. to be jarring and out of place at times, disrupting the flow of the narrative rather than complementing it. The soundtrack seemed to overshadow the dialogue and action on screen, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the unfolding events of the film.

Paul Parker

The soundtrack of A.C.A.B. perfectly captures the intense and emotional journey of the riot police officers in Rome. The music enhances the tension and drama of the film, adding depth to the characters and their struggles.

Joseph Gonzalez

The use of music in A.C.A.B. helps to convey the tensions and complexities of the relationships between the police officers and the citizens, creating a sense of unease and suspense that keeps the audience engaged throughout the film. The soundtrack serves as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes and moments.