Borderland Soundtrack (

Borderland Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 11000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Italiano:

Borderland - Linea di confine

Title in Português:

Sacrifício Humano



In Mexico City, while chasing the leader of a cult, Detective Ulises is forced to watch his partner being tortured and murdered by the criminals.

One year later, the teenage Americans Ed, Phil and Henry are in a summer camp in Galveston and they decide to travel to the borderland in Mexico to get laid with Mexican hookers.

Ed has a crush on the bartender Valeria and the virgin Phil feels attracted by a young prostitute with a baby and decides to give a teddy bear to the child.

However, he is abducted by the followers of Palo Myombe that are preparing a human sacrifice to get the Power of Nganga to become invisible while smuggling drugs.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
César Mora: Performer
César Mora: Writer
César Mora: Performer
César Mora: Writer
César Mora: Performer
César Mora: Writer
Gotta Be Live
Steve Donnelly: Writer
Texas Twister
Steve Donnelly: Writer
Belly Dancer
Andrés Levin: Writer
Yerba Buena: Performer
DW Baila Contigo
La Frontera
EZ-ZZ ver 1
César Mora: Performer
Yeah Man
Mikhail Davies: Performer
Águila De Aztlan
Paul Gonzalez: Performer

User reviews

David Miller

On the other hand, some tracks in the Borderland soundtrack feel repetitive and lack originality. While the music effectively builds tension in certain scenes, it can also become predictable and generic at times, failing to offer a truly unique or memorable listening experience. This aspect of the soundtrack may detract from the overall impact of the film's audiovisual storytelling.

Elizabeth Lewis

The soundtrack of Borderland was a major disappointment for me.

Joshua Allen

The use of traditional Mexican instruments in the music adds an authentic and immersive element to the storytelling, enhancing the cultural backdrop of the film.

Donna Allen

The use of generic and uninspired tracks did not enhance the overall cinematic experience, but rather detracted from the immersion in the dark and gritty world of the film.

Brian Baker

The dynamic range of the soundtrack, from subtle ambient sounds to intense and suspenseful crescendos, enhances the emotional impact of key scenes, keeping the audience engaged throughout the movie.

Andrew Allen

Overall, the soundtrack of Borderland missed the mark in creating a memorable and engaging auditory backdrop for the harrowing events depicted on screen.

George Phillips

The soundtrack of Borderland effectively sets the tense and ominous atmosphere of the film with its haunting and eerie melodies.

Laura Hill

The music failed to capture the intensity and suspense of the storyline, leaving me feeling disconnected from the emotional impact of the scenes.

William Davis

The soundtrack of Borderland successfully captures the intense and ominous atmosphere of the film. The use of eerie tones and haunting melodies enhances the sense of danger and suspense throughout the story, making the viewer feel on edge and immersed in the dark narrative.