Dark City Soundtrack (

Dark City Soundtrack (1998) cover

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Rating: 7.60/10 from 213000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Dark City

Title in Italiano:

Dark City

Title in Português:

Cidade Misteriosa


Dark City is a science fiction film directed by Alex Proyas. The story follows John Murdoch, who wakes up in a hotel room with no memory of who he is or how he got there. As he tries to piece together his past, he discovers that the city he is in is controlled by a group of mysterious beings known as the Strangers.

The Strangers have the ability to manipulate reality and alter people's memories, creating a city that is constantly changing and shifting. John soon realizes that he has the power to resist their control and sets out to uncover the truth behind their sinister plans.

As John delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers dark secrets about his own identity and the true nature of the city he is trapped in. With the help of a group of rebels, John must confront the Strangers and fight to regain control of his own destiny.

Dark City is a visually stunning and thought-provoking film that explores themes of identity, memory, and the nature of reality. It keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they unravel the mysteries of this dark and twisted world.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Dark City
Le Chale Bleu
The Night Has 1000 Eyes
Sway (Anita Kelsey)
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Information (Course Of Empire)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Just a Touch Away (Echo and the Bunnymen)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Dark (Gary Numan)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Sleep Now (Hughes Hall)
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes (Anita Kelsey)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Into the City (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer
No More Mr. Quick (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Emma (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Strangers Are Tuning (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Memories of Shell Beach (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Wall (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Living an Illusion (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer
You Have the Power (Trevor Jones)
Trevor Jones: Performer

User reviews

Elizabeth Campbell

Each track immerses the listener in the surreal world of the city, enhancing the tension and suspense of the storyline.

Timothy Lewis

The dynamic and evolving nature of the score in Dark City mirrors the ever-changing and unpredictable world that the characters inhabit, adding a sense of urgency and tension to the film.

Steven Garcia

The seamless integration of the score with the visuals in Dark City creates a cohesive and immersive cinematic experience that lingers long after the credits roll.

Susan Hall

The haunting and atmospheric soundtrack of Dark City perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious tone of the film. Each track sets the mood and enhances the sense of unease as John Murdoch unravels the secrets of the city.

Michelle Parker

The score felt repetitive and lacked depth, failing to enhance the emotional impact of key scenes. Instead of adding to the tension and suspense, the music often felt like background noise that failed to engage me as a viewer.

Kimberly Roberts

The music in Dark City effectively underscores the psychological and existential themes explored in the story, adding layers of meaning and nuance to the narrative.

Melissa Lewis

The music in Dark City adds depth and emotion to the story, drawing the audience into the dark and twisted world created by the Strangers. The haunting melodies and subtle nuances create a sense of tension and suspense that keeps viewers engaged throughout the film.

Robert Garcia

The music complements the visual elements of the film beautifully, creating a captivating and immersive experience for the audience.

George Young

The soundtrack of Dark City is a mesmerizing blend of eerie and haunting melodies that perfectly capture the film's dark and mysterious atmosphere.

Ronald Baker

The haunting melodies and dissonant harmonies in the soundtrack of Dark City evoke a sense of foreboding and uncertainty, mirroring the themes of the film.

Paul Gonzalez

The diverse range of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack of Dark City adds depth and complexity to the overall viewing experience.

Paul Allen

The haunting and atmospheric score of Dark City perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious tone of the film, drawing me into its dark and twisted world.

Linda Taylor

Overall, I was disappointed with the soundtrack of Dark City as it missed the opportunity to elevate the film's narrative and immerse me fully in its dark and twisted world.

Emily Jones

The music in Dark City effectively enhances the sense of unease and suspense throughout the movie, keeping me engaged and on edge.

Timothy Martinez

I found the soundtrack of Dark City to be underwhelming and uninspired. The music failed to capture the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the film, leaving me feeling disconnected from the story.

Deborah Anderson

The emotional depth and intensity of the music in Dark City resonated with me on a profound level, heightening the impact of key scenes in the film.

Linda Mitchell

The use of unconventional sounds and textures in the soundtrack of Dark City creates a unique and otherworldly sonic landscape that complements the surreal visuals of the film.

Donna Nelson

Overall, the musical score of Dark City is a standout element that elevates the film to a higher artistic level, enriching the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression.