Mixed Signals Soundtrack (

Mixed Signals Soundtrack (1997) cover

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Rating: 5.20/10 from 182 votes
Tags: make believe
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Mixed Signals

Title in Italiano:

Mixed Signals

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Mixed Signals

Title in Français:

Mixed Signals

Title in Türk:

Mixed Signals

Title in Deutsch:

Mixed Signals


Judy, Alex and Nick are three friends in their early twenties who haven't quite figured things out. Judy is stuck at a dead-end job and is about to make a big move in her life when her boyfriend unexpectedly proposes to her via voicemail. The engagement ring is coming via express mail and she goes to her best friends to help her decide what to do.

Alex is a spendthrift who lives way above his means. Nick, secretly in love with Judy, is a writer who can never quite finish his novel. MIXED SIGNALS is a story about love, friendship, loyalty and the choices we all face.

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Mixed Signals

User reviews

Melissa Adams

The soundtrack of Mixed Signals perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of the characters, from moments of uncertainty and confusion to moments of clarity and resolution.

Thomas Williams

The music in Mixed Signals not only complements the narrative but also serves as a powerful tool for character development, providing insights into the motivations and feelings of the protagonists.

Ronald Moore

I found the soundtrack of Mixed Signals to be quite uninspiring and generic. The music did not seem to enhance the emotional depth or complexity of the characters' stories, making it feel disconnected from the narrative.

Susan Adams

The soundtrack effectively conveys the themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery in the film, evoking a range of emotions that resonate with the audience on a personal level.

Deborah Phillips

The diversity of musical styles in Mixed Signals keeps the audience engaged and invested in the story. Whether it's a poignant piano piece during a moment of reflection or an upbeat tune during a lighthearted scene, the soundtrack enriches the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression.

Linda Jones

I find myself revisiting the soundtrack outside of the film, as it stands on its own as a collection of beautifully composed and arranged pieces.

Timothy Johnson

The music in Mixed Signals beautifully complements the character development, adding depth and nuance to their individual journeys. From moments of heartache to moments of joy, the soundtrack enhances the audience's connection to the story and its themes.

Edward Robinson

The use of different musical styles and genres in the soundtrack reflects the diversity of the characters and their individual journeys, creating a rich and dynamic listening experience.

Jennifer Lewis

The Mixed Signals soundtrack perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of love, friendship, and self-discovery portrayed in the film.

Nancy Taylor

Additionally, I felt that the soundtrack lacked cohesion and failed to create a cohesive atmosphere throughout the film. The songs chosen seemed to be random and did not contribute to establishing a consistent tone or mood, which made the viewing experience less engaging and impactful.

Margaret Campbell

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation, perfectly complementing the characters' inner conflicts.

George Thomas

Overall, the soundtrack of Mixed Signals is a cohesive and impactful component of the film, enhancing the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Donna Wright

The soundtrack's seamless integration with the film's narrative creates a cohesive and immersive viewing experience.

Andrew Gonzalez

Overall, the Mixed Signals soundtrack is a standout element of the film, elevating the storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Karen Wright

I appreciate how the soundtrack reflects each character's unique personality and journey, adding depth to their development.

John Young

The variety of musical styles used in the soundtrack adds layers to the storytelling, keeping the audience engaged throughout the film.

Paul Martin

The soundtrack of Mixed Signals perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of love, friendship, and self-discovery that Judy, Alex, and Nick go through. Each track immerses you in the characters' inner struggles and triumphs, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Carol Robinson

The music enhances the storytelling by creating a deep connection with the characters' struggles and triumphs.

Emily Garcia

The music enhances the storytelling by adding depth and nuance to the characters' inner struggles and dilemmas, making their experiences feel more relatable and authentic.

Margaret Brown

The use of vocals in certain tracks adds a poignant and personal touch to key moments in the film, enhancing their emotional impact.