Zoolander 2 Soundtrack (

Zoolander 2 Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 4.70/10 from 76000 votes
Tags: overweight child, modeling
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Zoolander No. 2

Title in Italiano:

Zoolander 2

Title in Português:

Zoolander 2


After many years of being separated from modeling and each other, Derek and Hansel are dragged back into the fashion world in Rome.

After being humiliated on the runway by the people behind the scenes, Derek and Hansel decide to quit the business . . . until retired swimsuit model, Valentina, drags them back in with questions about recent celebrity deaths.

Soon after, Derek also realizes out that the son who was taken from him is in Rome, and is much dismayed to find that Derek, Jr. is fat. And smart.

Regardless, Derek, Sr. continues his mission with Hansel, which leads them to the fashion-model legends of "Adam, Eve, and Steve", and the "Chosen One".

Who is that person? Why do the models drink the Chosen One's blood? Will Derek's and Hansel's careers resume?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Zoolander 2
Greg Pajer: Writer
Greg Pajer: Performer
Hit The Road Jack
Here I Come
Bang It To The Curb
I Can't Take It
Regga Bomb (Skrillex & Zomboy Remix)
Toccata and Fugue in D Min., BWV 565
Remove Your Mask
Fashion Killa
Dream Catcher
Miss California
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
Love to Love You Baby
When You and I Were Young Maggie
I Can't Take It
Dillon Francis: Performer
Regga Bomb (Skrillex & Zomboy Remix)
Skrillex: Performer
Bieber Chase
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Who Was Derek Zoolander?
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Get Your Boy Back
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Change Is Coming
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Too Convenient
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Two-Masted Boat
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Into the Belly of the Beast
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Mugatu's Escape
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Death of Atari
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
The IncrediBALL
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Blood of Steve
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Shut Up, Valentino
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Poodle Bomb
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
El Niño
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
All's Well That End's Well
Theodore Shapiro: Performer

User reviews

Anthony Thompson

The soundtrack of Zoolander 2 perfectly captures the comedic and over-the-top essence of the movie. The quirky and upbeat tunes enhance the absurdity of the plot, making it a fun and entertaining listening experience.

Thomas Baker

The use of retro and nostalgic tracks in the soundtrack adds a layer of nostalgia to the film, especially during scenes that pay homage to the fashion industry of the past. It creates a sense of familiarity and brings a touch of classic glamour to the movie.

Kimberly Brown

The original songs created for the film are catchy and memorable, blending seamlessly with the storyline and enhancing the overall viewing experience. They contribute to the humor and eccentricity of the characters, adding depth to their personalities.

Emily Johnson

Overall, the music in Zoolander 2 plays a crucial role in creating a whimsical and lighthearted atmosphere that complements the absurdity of the storyline. It adds another layer of entertainment to the film and leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.

Donna Wright

The soundtrack of Zoolander 2 perfectly captures the whimsical and over-the-top nature of the movie. Each track adds to the comedic atmosphere and enhances the absurdity of the storyline.

Patricia Clark

The use of different musical genres throughout the film adds depth and variety to the soundtrack. From electronic beats to classical melodies, each song complements the scenes and adds layers to the overall viewing experience.

Richard Moore

The music during the fashion show scenes is particularly engaging, with upbeat and catchy tunes that make you want to dance along. It sets the perfect tone for the ridiculous fashion world that Derek and Hansel find themselves in.

Daniel Lee

The soundtrack effectively sets the tone for the different scenes, from high-energy runway walks to emotional revelations. The music serves as a dynamic tool to enhance the emotions of the characters and the audience, making the movie more engaging and immersive.