The Phantom Tonspur (

The Phantom Tonspur (1943) abdeckung

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Titel im English:

The Phantom

Titel im Español:

The Phantom

Titel im Italiano:

The Phantom

Titel im Português:

The Phantom

Titel im Français:

The Phantom

Titel im Türk:

The Phantom


Zwei Expeditionen versuchen, die verlorene Stadt Zoloz zu erreichen - eine unter der Leitung von Professor Davidson, einem Wissenschaftler, der eine archäologische Stätte etablieren möchte, und die andere von einem gierigen Schatzsucher, der die sagenhaften Schätze der Stadt für sich behalten will.

Ein Agent einer ausländischen Macht möchte ebenfalls eine geheime Luftwaffenbasis dort errichten, also hetzt er die Einheimischen gegen The Phantom, der es bisher geschafft hat, sie friedlich zu halten.

Als The Phantom ermordet wird, tritt sein Sohn an seine Stelle und macht sich auf den Weg, um Frieden im Dschungel wiederherzustellen und die niederträchtigen Pläne der Agenten und Schatzsucher zu stoppen.

Die Soundtrack-Liste herunterladen und abspielen

Play Titel Künstler
The Phantom
For Those Who Came in Late / The Bridge* / Truck on Bridge*
David Newman: Künstler
The Tomb
David Newman: Künstler
The Phantom
David Newman: Künstler
Anything's Possible
David Newman: Künstler
Conversation with Dad* / Sengh Symbol*
David Newman: Künstler
Microscope* / Drax Theme*
David Newman: Künstler
Sala* / Phantom to the Rescue*
David Newman: Künstler
The Rescue / The Escape
David Newman: Künstler
More Escape* / Escape Continued*
David Newman: Künstler
Must Be the Humidity / I Already Killed Him* / Kit Arrives* / Horton Sees the Symbol* / Diana Must Leave / New York
David Newman: Künstler
I Never Kid* / The Skull of Tuganda*
David Newman: Künstler
Ray Gets the Point / Sengh Brothers Symbol* / Jade Perhaps*
David Newman: Künstler
Always Were a Mystery* / Jade Skull* / The Museum / Kit Gets Beat Up*
David Newman: Künstler
Drax* / Kit (The Phantom Fights Back)*
David Newman: Künstler
Elevator Shaft*
David Newman: Künstler
Flying to the Island-Part 1** / Inside Drax's Car* / Inside Taxi* / Diana Sees Kit*
David Newman: Künstler
Flying to the Island-Part 2** / Quill is Destroyed / Silence*
David Newman: Künstler
Fighting the Pirates*(co-composed with Randy Miller)
David Newman: Künstler
Escaping the Island
David Newman: Künstler
For Those Who Came In Late
David Newman: Künstler
The Rescue
David Newman: Künstler
The Escape
David Newman: Künstler
Must Be the Humidity
David Newman: Künstler
Diana Must Leave / New York
David Newman: Künstler
Ray Gets the Point
David Newman: Künstler
The Museum
David Newman: Künstler
Flying to the Island
David Newman: Künstler
Quill Is Destroyed
David Newman: Künstler
Birth of the Legend
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Graeme Revell: Künstler
The Crow Descends
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Rain Forever
Graeme Revell: Künstler
"Her eyes... so innocent"
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Tracking the Prey
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Pain and Retribution
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Believe in Angels
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Captive Child
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Devil's Night
Graeme Revell: Künstler
On Hallowed Ground
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Return to the Grave
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Last Rites
Graeme Revell: Künstler
Main Titles
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Woe, The Darkman... Woe
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Rebuilding / Failure
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Love Theme
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Julie Transforms
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Rage / Peppy Science
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Creating Pauley
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Double Durante
Danny Elfman: Künstler
The Plot Unfolds (Dancing Freak)
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Carnival From Hell
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Julie Discovers Darkman
Danny Elfman: Künstler
High Steel
Danny Elfman: Künstler
Finale / End Credits
Danny Elfman: Künstler
The Man Who Sold The World
V Has Come To
You Can Call Me Ishmael
A Burning Escape
Afghanistan's a Big Place
Unforgiving Sands
Kept You Waiting Huh?
Allegiance Defined
Exfiltrate the Hotzone
I am Skull Face
Hals's Child Unchained
Introduction To Africa
Encounter on the Plains
A Factory of Death
The Code Talker
Metallic Archaea
OKB Zero
Angering Mantis
Sahelanthropus Dominion
Sins of the Father
Quiet's Theme
Here's to You
Not Your Kind Of People
Ground Zeroes
Camp Omega
Withered Peace
The Girl's Gone
Bloodstained Anthem
She's Rigged
The Fall of Mother Base
Drop Off
Beautiful Mirage-An Unexpected Visitor
On the Trail
Steel Embers
Battling Armor
Shining Lights,Even in Death
Swift Judgement
Darkness Roars
Beautiful Mirage-The Vision Fades
Objective Complete
African Battlecry
Metal Gear Online
A Phantom Pain
Various Jingles
Fox Fanfare
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars Main Title
John Williams: Künstler
Boarding the Federation Battleship
John Williams: Künstler
Death Warrant for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan
John Williams: Künstler
Fighting the Destroyer Droids
John Williams: Künstler
Queen Amidala Warns the Federation
John Williams: Künstler
The Droid Invasion
John Williams: Künstler
Swimming to Otoh Gunga
John Williams: Künstler
Inside the Bubble City
John Williams: Künstler
Attack of the Giant Fish
John Williams: Künstler
Darth Sidious
John Williams: Künstler
The Giant Squid and the Attack on Theed
John Williams: Künstler
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Rescue the Queen
John Williams: Künstler
Fighting the Guards
John Williams: Künstler
Escape from Naboo
John Williams: Künstler
Enter Darth Maul
John Williams: Künstler
The Arrival at Tatooine
John Williams: Künstler
Street Band of Mos Espa
John Williams: Künstler
Padme Meets Anakin
John Williams: Künstler
Desert Winds
John Williams: Künstler
Jar Jar's Run In with Sebulba
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin's Home and the Introduction to Threepio
John Williams: Künstler
Darth Sidious and Darth Maul
John Williams: Künstler
Talk of PodRacing
John Williams: Künstler
Watto's Deal - Shmi and Qui-Gon Talk
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin, Podracer Mechanic
John Williams: Künstler
The Racer Roars to Life - Anakin's Midi-Chlorian Count
John Williams: Künstler
Darth Maul and The Sith Spacecraft
John Williams: Künstler
Mos Espa Arena Band
John Williams: Künstler
Watto's Roll of the Die
John Williams: Künstler
The Flag Parade
John Williams: Künstler
Sebulba's Dirty Hand - Qui-Gon's Pep Talk
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin Defeats Sebulba
John Williams: Künstler
Hail to the Winner, Anakin Skywalker
John Williams: Künstler
The Street Singer
John Williams: Künstler
Disc Time:
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin is Free
John Williams: Künstler
Qui-Gon and Darth Maul Meet
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin and Group to Coruscant
John Williams: Künstler
The Queen and Palpatine
John Williams: Künstler
High Council Meeting
John Williams: Künstler
The Senate
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin's Test
John Williams: Künstler
Qui-Gon's Mission - Obi-Wan's Warning
John Williams: Künstler
Nute and Rune Confer with Darth Sidious
John Williams: Künstler
The Queen and Group Land at Naboo
John Williams: Künstler
Jar Jar Leads Group to the Gungans
John Williams: Künstler
War Plans
John Williams: Künstler
Darth Sidious Receives News of the Gungan Army
John Williams: Künstler
The Gungans March
John Williams: Künstler
The Queen and Her Group Sneak Back to the Palace
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle Begins
John Williams: Künstler
The Republic Pilots Take Off Into Space
John Williams: Künstler
Activate the Droids
John Williams: Künstler
The Gungans Fight Back
John Williams: Künstler
The Duel Begins
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin Takes Off In Spaceship
John Williams: Künstler
The Duel Continues
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle Rages On
John Williams: Künstler
Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul Continue Battle
John Williams: Künstler
Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, and the Invisible Wall
John Williams: Künstler
The Gungans Retreat and the Queen Surrenders
John Williams: Künstler
The Death of Qui-Gon and the Surrender of the Gungans
John Williams: Künstler
The Tide Turns - The Death of Darth Maul
John Williams: Künstler
The Queen Confronts Nute and Rune
John Williams: Künstler
The Funeral of Qui-Gon
John Williams: Künstler
The Parade
John Williams: Künstler
End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
Duel of the Fates (Dialogue Version)
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars Main Title / The Arrival At Naboo
John Williams: Künstler
Duel Of The Fates
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin's Theme
John Williams: Künstler
Jar Jar's Introduction / The Swim To Otoh Gunga
John Williams: Künstler
The Sith Space Craft / The Droid Battle
John Williams: Künstler
The Trip To The Naboo Temple / The Audience With Boss Nass
John Williams: Künstler
The Arrival At Tatooine / The Flag Parade
John Williams: Künstler
He Is The Chosen One
John Williams: Künstler
Passage Though The Planet Core
John Williams: Künstler
Watto's Deal / Kids At Play
John Williams: Künstler
Panaka And The Queen's Protectors
John Williams: Künstler
Queen Amidala / The Naboo Palace
John Williams: Künstler
The Droid Invasion / The Appearance Of Darth Maul
John Williams: Künstler
Qui-Gon's Noble End
John Williams: Künstler
The High Council Meeting / Qui-Gon's Funeral
John Williams: Künstler
Augie's Great Municipal Band / End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars Main Title and the Arrival at Naboo
John Williams: Künstler
Jar Jar's Introduction and the Swim to Otoh Gunga
John Williams: Künstler
The Sith Spacecraft and the Droid Battle
John Williams: Künstler
The Trip to the Naboo Temple and the Audience with Boss Nass
John Williams: Künstler
The Arrival at Tatooine and the Flag Parade
John Williams: Künstler
Passage Through the Planet Core
John Williams: Künstler
Watto's Deal and Kids at Play
John Williams: Künstler
Queen Amidala and the Naboo Palace
John Williams: Künstler
The Droid Invasion and the Appearance of Darth Maul
John Williams: Künstler
The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon's Funeral
John Williams: Künstler
Augie's Great Municipal Band and End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
EPISODE I: Star Wars Main Title and the Arrival at Naboo
John Williams: Künstler
EPISODE II: Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant
John Williams: Künstler
Across the Stars (Love Theme from Star Wars Episode II)
John Williams: Künstler
Zam the Assassin and the Chase Through Coruscant
John Williams: Künstler
Yoda and the Younglings
John Williams: Künstler
Departing Coruscant
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin and Padmé
John Williams: Künstler
Jango's Escape
John Williams: Künstler
The Meadow Picnic
John Williams: Künstler
Bounty Hunter's Pursuit
John Williams: Künstler
Return to Tatooine
John Williams: Künstler
The Tusken Camp and the Homestead
John Williams: Künstler
Love Pledge and the Arena
John Williams: Künstler
Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale
John Williams: Künstler
EPISODE III - Star Wars and the Revenge of the Sith
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin's Dream
John Williams: Künstler
Battle of the Heroes
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin's Betrayal
John Williams: Künstler
General Grievous
John Williams: Künstler
Palpatine's Teachings
John Williams: Künstler
Grievous and the Droids
John Williams: Künstler
Padme's Ruminations
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin vs. Obi-Wan
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin's Dark Deeds
John Williams: Künstler
Enter Lord Vader
John Williams: Künstler
The Immolation Scene
John Williams: Künstler
Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious
John Williams: Künstler
The Birth of the Twins and Padme's Destiny
John Williams: Künstler
A New Hope and End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
EPISODE IV - Main Title
John Williams: Künstler
Imperial Attack
John Williams: Künstler
Princess Leia's Theme
John Williams: Künstler
The Desert and the Robot Auction
John Williams: Künstler
Ben's Death and TIE Fighter Attack
John Williams: Künstler
The Little People Work
John Williams: Künstler
Rescue of the Princess
John Williams: Künstler
Inner City
John Williams: Künstler
Cantina Band
John Williams: Künstler
The Land of the Sandpeople
John Williams: Künstler
Mouse Robot and Blasting Off
John Williams: Künstler
The Return Home
John Williams: Künstler
The Walls Converge
John Williams: Künstler
The Princess Appears
John Williams: Künstler
The Last Battle
John Williams: Künstler
The Throne Room and End Title
John Williams: Künstler
EPISODE V: Star Wars (Main Theme)
John Williams: Künstler
Yoda's Theme
John Williams: Künstler
The Training of a Jedi Knight
John Williams: Künstler
The Heroics of Luke and Han
John Williams: Künstler
The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)
John Williams: Künstler
Departure of Boba Fett
John Williams: Künstler
Han Solo and the Princess
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle in the Snow
John Williams: Künstler
The Asteroid Field
John Williams: Künstler
The City in the Clouds
John Williams: Künstler
Rebels at Bay
John Williams: Künstler
Yoda and the Force
John Williams: Künstler
The Duel
John Williams: Künstler
The Magic Tree
John Williams: Künstler
Lando's Palace
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
EPISODE VI: Main Title (The Story Continues)
John Williams: Künstler
Into the Trap
John Williams: Künstler
Luke and Leia
John Williams: Künstler
Parade of the Ewoks
John Williams: Künstler
Han Solo Returns (At the Court of Jabba the Hutt)
John Williams: Künstler
Lapti Nek (Jabba's Palace Band)
John Williams: Künstler
The Forest Battle
John Williams: Künstler
Rebel Briefing
John Williams: Künstler
The Emperor
John Williams: Künstler
The Return of the Jedi
John Williams: Künstler
Ewok Celebration and Finale
John Williams: Künstler
2 . Duel of The Fates
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars and the Revenge of the Sith (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin vs. Obi Wan
John Williams: Künstler
Main Title - Star Wars
John Williams: Künstler
2 . Duel of the Fates - Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
John Williams: Künstler
Anakin's Theme - Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
John Williams: Künstler
Across the Stars (Love Theme) - Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
John Williams: Künstler
Battle of the Heroes - Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
John Williams: Künstler
The Imperial March - Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
John Williams: Künstler
The Dune Sea of Tatooine, Jawa Sandcrawler - Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
John Williams: Künstler
Binary Sunset, Cantina Band (Medley) - Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
John Williams: Künstler
Princess Leia's Theme - Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
John Williams: Künstler
20th Century Fox Fanfare
John Williams: Künstler
Main Title / Rebel Blockade Runner (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Dune Sea of Tatooine / Jawa Sandcrawler (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Moisture Farm
John Williams: Künstler
The Hologram / Binary Sunset (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Landspeeder Search / Attack of the Sand People (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Tales of a Jedi Knight / Learn About the Force (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Burning Homestead
John Williams: Künstler
The Millennium Falcon / Imperial Cruiser Pursuit (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Destruction of Alderaan
John Williams: Künstler
The Death Star / The Stormtroopers (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Wookie Prisoner / Detention Block Ambush (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Shootout in the Cell Bay / Dianoga (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Trash Compactor
John Williams: Künstler
The Tractor Beam / Chasm Crossfire (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Ben Kenobi's Death / Tie Fighter Attack (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Main Title / The Ice Planet Hoth (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Wampa's Lair / Vision of Obi Wan / Snowspeeders Take Flight (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Imperial Probe / Aboard the Executor (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle of Hoth (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Arrival on Dagobah
John Williams: Künstler
Luke's Nocturnal Visitor
John Williams: Künstler
Attacking a Star Destroyer
John Williams: Künstler
Imperial Starfleet Deployed / City in the Clouds (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Betrayal at Bespin
John Williams: Künstler
Deal with Dark Lord
John Williams: Künstler
Carbon Freeze / Darth Vader's Trap / Departure of Boba Fett (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Main Title / Approaching The Death Star / Tatooine Rendezvous (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Droids Are Captured
John Williams: Künstler
Bounty for a Wookiee
John Williams: Künstler
Han Solo Returns
John Williams: Künstler
Luke Confronts Jabba / Den Of The Rancor / Sarlacc Sentence (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Pit of Carkoon / Sail Barge Assault (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Emperor Arrives / The Death of Yoda / Obi Wan's Revelation (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Alliance Assembly
John Williams: Künstler
Brother and Sister / Father and Son / The Fleet Enters Hyperspace / Heroic Ewok (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Emperor's Throne Room
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle Of Endor I (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Lightsaber / The Ewok Battle (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle Of Endor II (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle Of Endor III (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
Leia's News / Light of the Force (Medley)
John Williams: Künstler
EPISODE IV - A NEW HOPE: Star Wars: A New Hope
John Williams: Künstler
Princess Leia
John Williams: Künstler
The Throne Room / Finale
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
The Adventures Of Jar Jar
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
20th Century Fox Fanfare *
John Williams: Künstler
“Star Wars” Main Title/Blockade Runner
John Williams: Künstler
Accross the Stars
John Williams: Künstler
The Imperial March
John Williams: Künstler
The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler
John Williams: Künstler
The Hologram/Binary Sunset
John Williams: Künstler
Tales of a Jedi Knight/Learn About the Force
John Williams: Künstler
Ben Kenobi's Death/Tie Fighter Attack
John Williams: Künstler
The Forest Battle (Concert Suite)
John Williams: Künstler
Leia Breaks the News/Funeral Pyre for a Jedi
John Williams: Künstler
STAR WARS: Star Wars: A New Hope
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
REVENGE OF THE SITH: Battle Of The Heroes
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
The Map Room / Dawn
John Williams: Künstler
The Basket Game
John Williams: Künstler
Marion's Theme
John Williams: Künstler
Airplane Fight
John Williams: Künstler
The Ark Trek
John Williams: Künstler
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
John Williams: Künstler
THE TEMPLE OF DOOM: Nocturnal Activities
John Williams: Künstler
The Mine Car Chase
John Williams: Künstler
Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
THE LAST CRUSADE: Indy's First Adventure
John Williams: Künstler
X Marks The Spot / Escape From Venice
John Williams: Künstler
No Ticket / Keeping Up With The Joneses
John Williams: Künstler
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
Nimbus 2000
John Williams: Künstler
Harry's Wondrous World
John Williams: Künstler
Christmas at Hogwarts
John Williams: Künstler
Leaving Hogwarts
John Williams: Künstler
Fawkes The Phoenix
John Williams: Künstler
THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS: The Chamber of Secrets
John Williams: Künstler
Gilderoy Lockhart
John Williams: Künstler
Dobby the House Elf
John Williams: Künstler
Reunion of Friends
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
The Knight Bus
John Williams: Künstler
Double Trouble
John Williams: Künstler
A Window to the Past
John Williams: Künstler
Wands and Wizards
John Williams: Künstler
Mischief Managed / A Window to the Past / Buckbeak's Flight
John Williams: Künstler
The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn – The Adventures Of Tintin
John Williams: Künstler
War Horse – The Reunion
John Williams: Künstler
War Of The Worlds – Suite
John Williams: Künstler
Munich – A Prayer for Peace
John Williams: Künstler
The Terminal – The Tale of Viktor Navorski
John Williams: Künstler
Minority Report
John Williams: Künstler
Catch Me If You Can
John Williams: Künstler
Artificial Intelligence: AI – Where Dreams Are Born
John Williams: Künstler
Saving Private Ryan – Hymn To The Fallen
John Williams: Künstler
Amistad – Dry Your Tears, Afrika
John Williams: Künstler
Schindler's List – Theme
John Williams: Künstler
Jurassic Park – Suite
John Williams: Künstler
Hook – Main Themes
John Williams: Künstler
Always – Follow Me / Dorinda's Solo Flight
John Williams: Künstler
Empire Of The Sun – Exsultate Justi
John Williams: Künstler
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial – Adventures On Earth
John Williams: Künstler
1941 – March
John Williams: Künstler
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind – The Conversation Begins / Main Title / Resolution and Finale
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
The Sugarland Express
John Williams: Künstler
Memoirs of a Geisha – Sayuri's Theme & End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
Far And Away – End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
JFK – Arlington / End Titles
John Williams: Künstler
Presumed Innocent
John Williams: Künstler
Born On The Fourth Of July – End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
The Witches Of Eastwick – Dance Of The Witches
John Williams: Künstler
The River – Main Theme / Love Theme
John Williams: Künstler
Olympic Fanfare and Theme
John Williams: Künstler
Dracula – Main Titles & Storm
John Williams: Künstler
The Fury
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
Black Sunday – Suite
John Williams: Künstler
The Missouri Breaks – Love Theme
John Williams: Künstler
Family Plot – End Titles
John Williams: Künstler
Battle of Midway
John Williams: Künstler
The Towering Inferno
John Williams: Künstler
John Williams: Künstler
The Long Goodbye
John Williams: Künstler
Cinderella Liberty – Nice To Be Around
John Williams: Künstler
The Poseidon Adventure
John Williams: Künstler
The Cowboys – Suite
John Williams: Künstler
Jane Eyre – Theme
John Williams: Künstler
The Rare Breed – The Cross-Breed / End Credits
John Williams: Künstler
2001: A Space Odyssey - Dawn of Man
John Barry: Künstler
2001: A Space Odyssey - The Bluff
John Barry: Künstler
2001: A Space Odyssey - Space Station Docking
John Barry: Künstler
2001: A Space Odyssey - Main Title
John Barry: Künstler
Psycho - Prelude
John Barry: Künstler
Vertigo - Scene d'Amour
John Barry: Künstler
Fahrenheit 451 - The Road
John Barry: Künstler
The Generals Suite: Macarthur/Patton
John Barry: Künstler
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Enterprise
John Barry: Künstler
Somewhere in Time - Theme
John Barry: Künstler
Out of Africa - Main Title
John Barry: Künstler
Body Heat - Theme
John Barry: Künstler
Taras Bulba - Ride of the Cossacks
John Barry: Künstler
Saving Private Ryan - Hymn to the Fallen
John Barry: Künstler
First Knight - Camelot Lives
John Barry: Künstler
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Duel of the Fates
John Barry: Künstler
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: "Hedwig's Theme"
John Williams: Künstler
Memoirs of a Geisha: "Sayuri's Theme & End Credits"
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars: A New Hope: "Main Credits"
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: "Battle of the Heroes"
John Williams: Künstler
Jaws: "Main Theme"
John Williams: Künstler
Schindler's List: "Main Theme"
John Williams: Künstler
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
John Williams: Künstler
War of the Worlds: "Suite"
John Williams: Künstler
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence: "Where Dreams are Born"
John Williams: Künstler
Raiders of the Lost Ark: "The Raiders March"
John Williams: Künstler
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: "Duel of the Fates"
John Williams: Künstler
Superman: "Main Theme"
John Williams: Künstler
Munich: "Prayer for Peace"
John Williams: Künstler
Excalibur: "O Fortuna" (from Carmina Burana)
John Barry: Künstler
The Scarlet Letter: "Agnus Dei"
John Barry: Künstler
The Da Vinci Code: "Kyrie for the Magdalene"
John Barry: Künstler
Conan the Barbarian: "Riders of Doom"
John Barry: Künstler
1492: Conquest of Paradise
John Barry: Künstler
The Double Life of Veronique: "Concerto in E-Minor"
John Barry: Künstler
King Kong: "It's Beauty That Killed the Beast"
John Barry: Künstler
The Mission: "On Earth As It Is In Heaven"
John Barry: Künstler
The Abyss
John Barry: Künstler
Amistad: "Dry Your Tears Afrika"
John Barry: Künstler
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe: "Only the Beginning of the Adventure"
John Barry: Künstler
The Lion in Winter: "Suite"
John Barry: Künstler
The Omen: Suite
John Barry: Künstler
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: "Evenstar / A Knife in the Dark"
John Barry: Künstler
Edward Scissorhands: "Main Title & Ice Dance"
John Barry: Künstler
The Passion of the Christ: "Resurrection"
John Barry: Künstler
Les Choristes: "Vois Sur Ton Chemin / In Memoriam"
John Barry: Künstler
The Last Valley: "Main Title / The Valley"
John Barry: Künstler
The Sum of All Fears: "The Mission"
John Barry: Künstler
The Empire of the Sun: "Exsultate Justi"
John Barry: Künstler
If: "Sanctus" (from Missa Luba)
John Barry: Künstler
How the West Was Won: "Prelude"
John Barry: Künstler
Saving Private Ryan: "Hymn to the Fallen"
John Barry: Künstler
Henry V: "Non Nobis Domine"
John Barry: Künstler
Main Theme from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Künstler
Princess Leia from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Künstler
Cantina Band from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Künstler
The Imperial March from Episode IV: A New Hope
Howard Shore: Künstler
Yoda's Theme from Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Howard Shore: Künstler
Luke and Leia from Episode IV: Return of the Jedi
Howard Shore: Künstler
Duel of the Fates from Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Howard Shore: Künstler
Anakin's Theme from Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Howard Shore: Künstler
Across the Stars from Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Howard Shore: Künstler
Battle of the Heroes from Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith
Howard Shore: Künstler
Harry's Wonderous World from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Howard Shore: Künstler
The Chamber of Secrets from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Howard Shore: Künstler
Aunt Marge's Waltz from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Howard Shore: Künstler
May It Be & Themes from The Fellowship of the Ring
Howard Shore: Künstler
The Hornburg from The Two Towers
Howard Shore: Künstler
The Ride of the Rohirrim from The Return of the King
Howard Shore: Künstler
Glory - Charding Ford Wagner
John Barry: Künstler
The Longest Day - The Longest Day
John Barry: Künstler
Hannibal - Vide Cor Meum
John Barry: Künstler
Henry V - Overture / Agincourt Song
John Barry: Künstler
The Ninth Gate - Vocalise
John Barry: Künstler
Bram Stoker's Dracula
John Barry: Künstler
The Lion in Winter - Allons Gai, Gai, Gai
John Barry: Künstler
The Lion in Winter - Eya, Eya, Nova Gaudia
John Barry: Künstler
Amistad - Dry Your Tears Africa
John Barry: Künstler
John Barry: Künstler
Zulu - March of Men of Harlech
John Barry: Künstler
Apocalypse Now - Ride of the Valkyries
John Barry: Künstler
The Last Vallye
John Barry: Künstler
Young Sherlock Holmes - Waxing Elizabeth
John Barry: Künstler
John Barry: Künstler
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Duel of the Fates
John Barry: Künstler
Sunshine - The Sonnenscheins
John Barry: Künstler
Aliens - Prelude / Ripley's Rescue
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Ghostbusters - Main Theme
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
It Came From Outer Space - The Thing Strikes / Desert Rendezvous
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Strange Invaders - Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Judge Dredd - Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Robocop - Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
The Time Machine - London 1900 / Filbey's Theme
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Back To The Future - Main Theme
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
The Cape - Main Theme
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Star Trek: The Menagerie - Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Star Fleet Academy - Opening
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Star Trek: Insurrection - End Title Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
The Last Starfighter - Main Theme
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Silent Running - The Space Fleet
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun - Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Lost In Space - End Titles
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Galaxy Quest - Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Things To Come - The Children's Ballet
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Things To Come - March
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
The Matrix - Anything is Possible
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Meteor - End Titles Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Deep Impact - The Wedding
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Armageddon - Suite
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace - The Flag Parade
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace - Anakin's Theme
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace - The Adventures of Jar Jar
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace - Duel of the Fates
Bruce Broughton: Künstler
The Mummy - The Sand Volcano
David Arnold: Künstler
The Mask of Zorro - Don't Mess With "Z" (sfx)
David Arnold: Künstler
The Mask of Zorro - Main Title
David Arnold: Künstler
Air Force One - Main Title / The Parachutes
David Arnold: Künstler
The Rock - Chopper Flyby (sfx)
David Arnold: Künstler
The Rock - End Title
David Arnold: Künstler
Contact - End Credits
David Arnold: Künstler
Mighty Joe Young - Dedication and Windsong
David Arnold: Künstler
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Day at the Races (sfx)
David Arnold: Künstler
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Main Title from Star Wars / The Flag Parade
David Arnold: Künstler
L.A. Confidential - Badge of Honor / L.A. Confidential
David Arnold: Künstler
The Prince of Egypt - When You Believe
David Arnold: Künstler
The X-Files - What's That Hum? (sfx)
David Arnold: Künstler
The X-Files - Threnody in X
David Arnold: Künstler
A Bug's Life - The Time of Your Life
David Arnold: Künstler
Elizabeth - Main Title
David Arnold: Künstler
Godzilla - A Stroll in New York City (sfx)
David Arnold: Künstler
Godzilla - Main Title
David Arnold: Künstler
Shakespeare in Love - Main Title
David Arnold: Künstler
Titanic - Iceberg! (sfx)
David Arnold: Künstler
Titanic - Back to Titanic
David Arnold: Künstler
Armageddon - Main Title
David Arnold: Künstler
Star Wars Main Title and Arrival at Naboo
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
The Sixth Sense - De Profundis
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
Instinct - Main Title
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
Wild Wild West - Main Title
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
The 13th Warrior - Old Bagdad
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
Deep Blue Sea - Aftermath
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
The Iron Giant - The Eye of the Storm
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
The Haunting - Home Safe
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
The Matrix - Main Title / Trinity Infinity
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
Payback - Main Title
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
Shakespeare In Love
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
Bowfinger - Finale / Fed-Ex Delivers
Elmer Bernstein: Künstler
Main Title / Rebel Blockade Runner
John Williams: Künstler
The Dune Sea of Tatooine / Jawa Sandcrawler
John Williams: Künstler
The Hologram / Binary Sunset
John Williams: Künstler
Landspeeder Search / Attack Of The Sand People
John Williams: Künstler
Tales Of A Jedi Knight / Learn About The Force
John Williams: Künstler
Mos Eisley Spaceport
John Williams: Künstler
Cantina Band #2
John Williams: Künstler
Binary Sunset (Alternate)
John Williams: Künstler
The Millennium Falcon / Imperial Cruiser Pursuit
John Williams: Künstler
The Death Star / The Stormtroopers
John Williams: Künstler
Wookie Prisoner / Detention Block Ambush
John Williams: Künstler
Shootout In The Cell Bay / Dianoga
John Williams: Künstler
The Tractor Beam / Chasm Crossfire
John Williams: Künstler
Ben Kenobi's Death / Tie Fighter Attack
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle Of Yavin (Launch From The Fourth Moon / X-Wings Draw Fire / Use The Force)
John Williams: Künstler
The Throne Room / End Title
John Williams: Künstler
Main Title / The Ice Planet Hoth
John Williams: Künstler
The Wampa's Lair / Vision of Obi-Wan / Snowspeeders Take Flight
John Williams: Künstler
The Imperial Probe / Aboard The Executor
John Williams: Künstler
The Battle Of Hoth ( Ion Cannon / Imperial Walkers / Beneath The At-At / Escape In The Millenium Falcon)
John Williams: Künstler
Jedi Master Revealed / Mynock Cave
John Williams: Künstler
The Training Of A Jedi Knight / The Magic Tree
John Williams: Künstler
Imperial Starfleet Deployed / City In The Clouds
John Williams: Künstler
Lando's Place
John Williams: Künstler
Deal With The Dark Lord
John Williams: Künstler
Carbon Freeze / Darth Vader's Trap / Departure Of Boba Fett
John Williams: Künstler
The Clash Of Lightsabers
John Williams: Künstler
Rescue From Cloud City / Hyperspace
John Williams: Künstler
The Rebel Fleet / End Title
John Williams: Künstler
The Lonely Fisherman / Tipped Overboard / The Phantom Strikes!
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Main Title Sequence
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Dr. Stevens And Inspector Grant On The Beach
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Taking Notes On The Beach / King Takes The Turtle
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Grant Grills Dr. Stevens / A Scientific Curiosity
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Turtle Mutation / Underwater Continued / The Phantom! / Dr. Stevens Escapes
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Lois Sunbathes / You Can’t Go Out There
Ronald Stein: Künstler
George’s Late Night Meeting With Wanda
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Lois And Dr. Stevens’ First Date
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Anonymous Teens Go Out / Underwater / Tipped Overboard / Phantom!
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Beach Date Continues / Finding The Bodies / Harpoon Sniper!
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Stevens & Grant Go Out To Sea / Poisoned / Harpooning The Phantom / Escape
Ronald Stein: Künstler
King’s Office Is Destroyed / Another Harpoon Gun Missing
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Barge Goes Towards The Light Ray
Ronald Stein: Künstler
King Returns To His Lab / Goodbye Andy
Ronald Stein: Künstler
King Sets The Bomb / Underwater / Kaboom
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The End
Ronald Stein: Künstler
To The Shore / Baby Crabs On The Beach
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Martha Swims / Beach Talk
Ronald Stein: Künstler
A 50-Foot Deep Pit
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Martha Hears The Voices
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Down In The Pit / More Tremors
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Voices Call To Jules
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Jules Gets Pinched To Death
Ronald Stein: Künstler
More Tremors / This Should Work
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Marty Is Electrocuted
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Secret Passage
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Terror Main Title
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Weary Soldier Meets Helaine
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Helaine’s Bird
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Leave Now! / Falling Rocks
Ronald Stein: Künstler
To The Castle
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Portrait
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Helaine Is Ilsa
Ronald Stein: Künstler
No Concern Of Yours (Part 1)
Ronald Stein: Künstler
No Concern Of Yours (Part 2)
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Bird Attacks Gustav
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Chapel Helaine
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Baron Agrees
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ilsa Changes
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Witch Burns
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Water Water
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Helaine Melts / The End
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Main Title
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Nick Goes Into The Shack
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Seeing Nell’s Crucifix
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Poisoned Goat’s Milk Kills The Old Man
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ritual / Dog Attacks David
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Fatal Car Accident (With The Steer)
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Nick Kisses Nell
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Papers Arrives At Nicks / Ritual Begins
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Goat’s Blood Ritual / Nick Turns Old
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Horse Tramples Papers
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Sheriff Goes Back To Nick’s / The Snake Appears
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Snake Slithers Into David’s Room / Snake Is Shot!
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Sheriff Shoots The Horse
Ronald Stein: Künstler
From Horse To Human
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Transforming From Nick Back To Old Man... And Death / The End
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Dementia Titles
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Louise Forges The Letter
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Ceremony (Mama Faints)
Ronald Stein: Künstler
There’s Child’s Music Playing...
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Into Kathleen’s Room / Snooping
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Tying The Dolls Together
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Dolls Bubble Up To Surface
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Kathleen’s Body
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Mama And The Tiara
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Into The Catacombs
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Bridal Music #1
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Bridal Music #2
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Ice House
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Don’t Touch Her! / Killer Revealed / End Titles
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Opening Title Song
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Messenger To The Door / Seeing The Open Window
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Bruno Comes Home / Seeing The Body
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Bruno Stuffs The Dead Body Down The Dumb Waiter
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Peter And Emily At The Gate / Emily Scared By Ralph
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Virginia Plays Spider In The Yard / Ralph Catches The Cat
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Virginia Feeds Her Spiders / Dinner Is Served...
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Emily Gets Ready For Bed / Schlocker Snoops Around House
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Bruno Locks The Gate / Schlocker Into The Basement
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Bruno Leaves The House / Sisters Chase Emily Into The Forest
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Night Continues (House Stinger)
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Virginia Puts ‘Webs’ On Uncle Jack / Bruno Into Shack
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Virginia Pulls Knives On Jack / Ann Held Captive In Basement
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Emily Revives / Ann Struggles / Jack Sees The Knife
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Spiders Come For Jack / Bruno Returns / Basement Fight / Emily Eaten
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Dynamite Revealed / Jack Gets Free / Saving Ann / Escape / Ka-Boom!
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Creepy Epilogue / The End?
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Banquet Dance
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Thenis Entered
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Rebel Fight
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Trial
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Rebel Victory
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Garnus’ Death
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Opening Prologue / Sheriff Killed
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Funeral / Eulogy / Rose Is New Sheriff
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Crime Fighting Montage
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Rose Meets Cain Miro / Horseride To Stakeout
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Rose And Cain Stake Out Ranch
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Rose Follows Cain
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Horse Chase
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Rose Grills Cain / The Kiss
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Cain’s Flashback
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Cain And Rose Ride Into Town
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Cain Rescues Rose / Get Out Of My Town
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Cain Gets Drunk / Kicking Out Erica
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Little Man Attacks Erica
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Erica Kills Pony Express Rider
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Cain Kills Polk / Setting The Trap For Rose
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Cain And Rose Final Shootout
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Bloody End
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Main Titles
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Underwater Swim / The Manta Ray Attacks!
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Back On The Boat / Manuel Is Dead
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Trio Swim To Shore / Breathing The Air
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Walking Through The Deserted City
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Packing / Drive To The House
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Evelyn Awakens
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Sobering Thoughts / We’re The Only Ones Left
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Harold Asks Evelyn To Change Her Clothes
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Evelyn And Martin On The Beach / Erasing The Sand
Ronald Stein: Künstler
"You Are My Wife, Evelyn"
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Evelyn And Martin’s Secret Kiss
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Harold And Martin’s Tense Conversation
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Harold And Martin’s Fistfight On The Beach
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Evelyn Wants To Leave With Martin
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Martin Leaves The House... Along Comes Evelyn!
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Car Crash / Through The Forest / Into The Church
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Dock Fight / Mano E Mano
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Fight To The Death Inside The Church
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Leaving The Church / "I Killed Him..." / The End
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Train Yard
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Strange Title
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Rear End Rock
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Luncheon Roll
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The R&R Room
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Move Easy
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Alley Bash
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Strange Affairs
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ether Or Planer
Ronald Stein: Künstler
In The Woods 2
Ronald Stein: Künstler
An Ending
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Opening Title
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Chief Wooley
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Sweet And Low
Ronald Stein: Künstler
A Pool Room
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Brawl Alley
Ronald Stein: Künstler
KC Jazz Source
Ronald Stein: Künstler
The Big Gun
Ronald Stein: Künstler
Closing Title
Ronald Stein: Künstler
I Can't Think of Everything
The Prime of Our Lives
I've Got It
Posting the Letter
No-one Can Say You Didn't Try
Par 4
First Shot
Next to the Flipping Pin
You Can't Be Both
While You're Still Young
A Dream Come True
Maurice On the Crane
The World's Not an Oyster
My Dad
Ladies & Gentlemen, Maurice Flitcroft
My Jean
The Phantom of the Open Suite
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Think of Me
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Angel of Music
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Little Lotte/The Mirror (Angel of Music)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Phantom of the Opera
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Music of the Night
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Magical Lasso
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Notes/Prima Donna
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh / Il Muto
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Why Have You Brought Me Here/Raoul I've Been There
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
All I Ask of You
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
All I Ask of You (Reprise)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Masquerade/Why So Silent
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Madame Giry's Tale/The Fairground
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Journey to the Cemetery
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Wandering Child
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Swordfight
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
We All Have Been Blind
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Don Juan
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Point Of No Return/Chandelier Crash
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Learn To Be Lonely
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Mirror (Angel of Music)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Prima Donna
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Point of No Return
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Down Once More / Track Down This Murderer
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Prologue (The stage of the Paris Opera House, 1911) (
Auctioneer, Raoul & Company)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Act 1 Scene 1 - The Dress Rehearsal of Hannibal (Carlotta, Christine and Raoul)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 2 - After the Gala (Christine & Meg)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 3 - Christine's Dressing Room: Little Lotte/The Mirror (Angel of Music) (Raoul, Christine & The Phantom)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 4 - The Labyrinth Underground The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom & Christine)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 5 - Beyond the Lake The Music of the Night (The Phantom)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 6 - Beyond the Lake, the Next Morning: I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It (Christine & The Phantom)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 7 - Backstage Magical Lasso (Buquet, Meg, Madame Giry & Ballet Girls)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 8 - The Manager's Office Notes/Prima Donna (Firmin, André, Raoul, Carlotta, Giry, Meg & 
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 9 - A Performance of Il Muto Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh (Carlotta & Company)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 10 - The Roof of the Opera House Why Have You Brought Me Here?
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Raoul, I've Been There (Raoul & Christine)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
All I Ask of You (Raoul & Christine)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
All I Ask of You (Reprise) (The Phantom)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 1 - The Staircase of the Opera House, New Year's Eve Masquerade/Why So Silent (Full Company)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 2 - Backstage (Raoul and Giry)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 3 - The Manager's Office Notes
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Twisted Every Way (André, Firmin, Carlotta, Piangi, Raoul, Chrstine, Giry & 
The Phantom)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 4 - A Rehearsal for Don Juan Truimphant (Chrisine, Piangi, Reyer, Carlotta, Giry & Company)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 5 - A Graveyard in Perros Wishing you Were Somehow Here Again Christine Wandering Child
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Bravo, Bravo (Christine, The Phantom, Christine & Raoul)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 6 - Before the Premiere (Raoul, André, Firmin, Fireman and The Phantom)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 7 - Don Juan Triumphant (Carlotta, Piangi, Passarino and Company) The Point of No Return (The Phantom and Christin
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 8 - The Labyrinth Underground (Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer (Full Company)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Scene 9 - Beyond the Lake (Christine, The Phantom, Raoul & Company)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Coney Island Waltz
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
That's The Place You Ruined, You Fool
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
A Little Slice Of Heaven
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Only For Him
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Only For You
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Aerie
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Till I Hear You Sing
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Giry Confronts The Phantom
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Are You Ready To Begin
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Christine Disembarks
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Arrival Of The Trio
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
What A Dreadful Town
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Look With Your Heart
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Beneath A Moonless Sky
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Once UPon Another Time
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Mother Please, I'm Scared
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Dear Old Friend
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Beauty Underneath
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The phantom Confronts Christine
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Why Does She Love Me
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Devil Take The Hindmost
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
A Little Slice Of Heaven (Reprise) Ladies...
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
The Coney Island Waltz (Reprise)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Bathing Beauty
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Mother, Did You Watch?
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Before The Performance
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Devil Take The Hindmost (Quartet)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Love NEver Dies
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Ah, Christine!
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Gustave! Gustave!
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Please, Miss Giry, I Want To Go Back...
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Why Have You Brought Me Here?/Raoul, I ve Been There
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
All I Ask of You (Reprise)a
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Notes/Twisted Every Way
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Wandering Child.../Bravo, Monsieur...
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Down Once More.../Track Down This Murderer...
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Grand Finale
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Think Of Me (Sarah Brightman)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Down Once More/Track Down This Murder
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Prologue (The Stage of Paris Opera House, 1905)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Little Lotte.../The Mirror... (Angel Music)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
I Remember.../Stranger Than You Dream It...
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Notes.../Prima Donna
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Why Have You Brought Me Here
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Entr'Acte (Act Two - Six Months Later)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Notes.../Twisted Every Way
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Künstler
Can You Feel The Love Tonight? - The Lion King
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Seasons Of Love - Rent
Glen Ballard: Künstler
For Good - Wicked
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Unchained Melody - Ghost
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Evita
Glen Ballard: Künstler
As If We Never Said Goodbye - Sunset Boulevard
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Can't Help Lovin' That Man - Showboat
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Send In The Clowns - A Little Night Music
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Memory - Cats)
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Phantom Of The Opera Medley: The Music Of The Night / All I Ask Of You / Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
Glen Ballard: Künstler
A New Life - Jekyll and Hyde
Glen Ballard: Künstler
What I Did For Love - A Chorus Line
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Someone To Watch Over Me - Oh Kay!
Glen Ballard: Künstler
If I Loved You - Carousel
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Sun And Moon - Miss Saigon
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Where Is Love - Oliver!
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Edelweiss - The Sound Of Music
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Les Miserables Medley: Drink With Me / Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
Glen Ballard: Künstler
The King & I Medley: I Have Dreamed / We Kiss In A Shadow / Something Wonderful
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Porgy And Bess Medley: I Loves You, Porgy / Bess You Is My Woman / Summertime
Glen Ballard: Künstler
Music of the Night - Phantom of the Opera (Michael Crawford)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Jesus Christ Superstar (Clinton Derricks Carroll)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables - Les Miserables (Michael Ball)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Another Suitcase in Another Hall - Evita (Barbara Dickson)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
I'd Do Anything - Oliver! (Sarah Lark, Irfan Ahmad, Megan Kelly, Richard South and Boys)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Don't Cry for Me Argentina - Evita (Jan Hovath)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Love Changes Everything - Aspects of Love (The Company)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Love Never Dies (Jennifer Hepburn)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
All I Care About Is Love - Chicago (Graham Bickley)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Any Dream Will Do - Joesph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (Andrew Newey)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
I Know Him So Well - Chess (Sally Ann Triplett & Katrina Murphy)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
The Last Night of the World - Miss Saigon (Kim Criswell and Graham Bickley)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Tell Me on a Sunday (Marti Webb)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
With One Look - Sunset Boulevard (Petula Clarke)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Anything Goes (Elaine Paige)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Starlight Express (Paul Nicholas & Paul Jones)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Memory - Cats (Barbara Dickson)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
All I Ask of You - Phantom of the Opera (Michael Crawford)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
I Dreamed a Dream - Les Miserables (Issy Van Randwyck)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Tomorrow - Annie (Poppy Lee Friar)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Who Wants to Live Forever - We Will Rock You (Katherine Jenkins)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Once Upon Another Time - Love Never Dies (Ethan Freeman and Jennifer Hepburn)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
You'll Never Walk Alone - Carousel (Alfie Boe with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Defying Gravity - Wicked (Aimie Atkinson)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Serious - Legally Blonde (Duncan James and Sheridan Smith)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
When I Grow Up - Matilda (Cast of Matilda The Musical)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Can You Feel the Love Tonight? - The Lion King (John Barrowman)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Your Song - Moulin Rouge (Simon Bowman)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Unchained Melody - Ghost (Siobhan Dillan and Mark Evans)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Dream Lover - Dreamboats and Petticoats (Bobby Darin)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Summer Nights - Grease (John Barrowman & Shona Lindsay)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
The Circle of Life - The Lion King (Andrew Halliday, Carmen Cusack and The Chorus)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Someone to Watch Over Me - Crazy For You (Rebecca Grant)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Our Children - Ragtime (Ragtime Orchestra)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Close Every Door - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (John Barrowman)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Aquarius - Hair (Sean MacDermot, Vanessa A. Jones and Company)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Dancing Queen - Mamma Mia (Joanna Ampil and the Girls)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Welcome to the 60's - Hairspray (The Good Hair Days)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Timewarp - Rock Horror Picture Show (The Rocky Horror Show Cast featuring Jason Donovan)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Our House (Madness)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Cabaret (Liza Minnelli)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
America - West Side Story (Jennifer Hepburn, Nick Ferranti and the Company)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Make ‘Em Laugh - Singin' in the Rain (Nathan Harmer)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Top Hat (Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
Wouldn't It Be Loverly? - My Fair Lady (Poppy Tierney)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
The Sound of Music (Julie Andrews)
Lynn Ahrens: Künstler
If I Were a Rich Man - Fiddler on the Roof (Topo