London Symphony Chorus Soundtracks

Known for:

The London Symphony Chorus (abbreviated to LSC) is a large symphonic concert choir based in London, UK, consisting of over 150 amateur singers, and is one of the major symphony choruses of the United Kingdom. It was formed in 1966 as the LSO Chorus to complement the work of the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO). The LSC is today an independent self-run organisation governed by a council of nine elected representatives. It continues to maintain a close association with the LSO but also takes... Read more

Buy Discography: Buy on Amazon

Play Title Movie Type Buy Song
Requiem: II. Dies Irae Evil Dead 2 Artist Buy on Amazon
Alexander Nevsky, Op. 78: V. The Battle On Ice Plan A Artist Buy on Amazon
Alexander Nevsky, Op. 78: V. The Battle on Ice Artist Buy on Amazon
Alexander Nevsky, Op. 78: V. The Battle on Ice The Plan Has Changed Artist Buy on Amazon
Alexander Nevsky, Op. 78: V. The Battle on Ice "Little People, Big World" Game Over? Artist Buy on Amazon