"À Tout de Suite" is a French film directed by Benoît Jacquot. The story follows a young art student named Lili who falls in love with a bank robber named Bada. After a passionate romance, Bada is forced to flee the country, leaving Lili behind. Desperate to be reunited with her lover, Lili decides to follow him to Spain, where she becomes involved in a dangerous world of crime and deception. As Lili navigates this new and dangerous world, she must confront the harsh realities of life on the run and the consequences of her choices. Will she be able to find Bada and escape the dangers that surround her? The film is a gripping and suspenseful tale of love, loss, and redemption set against the backdrop of a criminal underworld."
Play | Title | Artist |
À Tout de Suite
Ricochet Part 1
Punk Youth
Bruce Foxton:
Do the Boogaloo
Gerhard Narholz:
Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To)