1 Litre of Tears Soundtrack (

1 Litre of Tears Soundtrack (2005) cover

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Rating: 8.80/10 from 2900 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Ichi rittoru no namida

Title in Italiano:

1 Litre of Tears

Title in Português:

1 Litre of Tears

Title in Français:

Ichi rittoru no namida

Title in Türk:

Ichi rittoru no namida

Title in Deutsch:

Ichi rittoru no namida


"1 Litre of Tears" is a Japanese drama based on a true story that follows the life of a 15-year-old girl named Aya who is diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease. As she struggles to cope with her illness, Aya decides to keep a diary to document her experiences and emotions. Through her diary entries, viewers witness Aya's determination and courage as she faces the challenges of her illness. The drama explores themes of love, family, and the importance of never giving up in the face of adversity.

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1 Litre of Tears

User reviews

Sarah Johnson

The soundtrack of 1 Litre of Tears effectively captures the emotional journey of the main character, Aya, as she battles her degenerative disease. The music is poignant and evocative, enhancing the viewer's connection to Aya's struggles and triumphs. It adds depth and resonance to the storytelling, making the viewing experience even more powerful.

Dorothy Smith

The use of piano and string instruments in the soundtrack creates a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere that perfectly complements the themes of love, family, and resilience portrayed in the series. The melodies are both uplifting and heartbreaking, adding depth and emotional impact to the storytelling.

Kimberly Baker

The soundtrack of 1 Litre of Tears beautifully captures the emotional journey of the main character, Aya, as she battles her rare degenerative disease. The music enhances the poignant moments in the drama, evoking a sense of empathy and connection with Aya's struggles.

Sarah Green

The soundtrack of 1 Litre of Tears felt repetitive and lacked emotional depth, failing to fully capture the poignant moments and struggles depicted in the drama. The music often felt disconnected from the scenes, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story.

Timothy Hall

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack felt repetitive and overly sentimental, bordering on melodramatic at times. While the intention may have been to heighten the emotional impact of certain scenes, the music occasionally came across as forced and predictable. A more nuanced approach to the soundtrack could have elevated the overall viewing experience and avoided potential clichés.

Charles Garcia

Additionally, some of the musical choices in the soundtrack seemed out of place and jarring, disrupting the overall viewing experience and detracting from the emotional impact of the storyline. The lack of cohesion between the music and the narrative made it challenging to connect with the characters and their journey, ultimately hindering the overall enjoyment of the drama.