300 Soundtrack (

300 Soundtrack (2006) cover

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Rating: 7.60/10 from 866000 votes
Tags: spartan, battle, warrior, battle of thermopylae
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In the Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC an alliance of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian army in the mountain pass of Thermopylae. Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held back the enemy in one of the most famous last stands of history.

Persian King Xerxes led a Army of well over 100,000 (Persian king Xerxes before war has about 170,000 army) men to Greece and was confronted by 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, and 400 Thebans. Xerxes waited for 10 days for King Leonidas to surrender or withdraw but left with no options he pushed forward.

After 3 days of battle all the Greeks were killed. The Spartan defeat was not the one expected, as a local shepherd, named Ephialtes, defected to the Persians and informed Xerxes that the separate path through Thermopylae, which the Persians could use to outflank the Greeks, was not as heavily guarded as they thought.

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To Victory
Tyler Bates: Composer

User reviews

Michelle Wright

The soundtrack of 300 skillfully blends orchestral compositions with modern elements, creating a unique and dynamic sound that complements the action sequences and battle scenes.

Carol Lewis

The emotional depth of the music in 300 conveys the bravery and sacrifice of the Greek soldiers, evoking a sense of heroism and tragedy that resonates with the audience.

Andrew Harris

The repetitive and overbearing use of percussion in the soundtrack becomes monotonous and distracting, overshadowing the dramatic moments of the story.

Kimberly Phillips

The use of percussion and brass instruments in the soundtrack adds a sense of urgency and tension, reflecting the dire situation faced by the Spartan warriors as they fought against overwhelming odds.

James Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of 300 is a crucial element in immersing viewers in the story of the Battle of Thermopylae, effectively enhancing the cinematic experience and leaving a lasting impression.

Donald Campbell

The soundtrack of 300 fails to capture the epic and emotional intensity of the Battle of Thermopylae, with a lack of depth and complexity in the musical compositions.

Timothy Young

The choice of modern electronic elements in the music feels out of place and disrupts the historical immersion of the film, failing to evoke the ancient Greek setting effectively.

Joseph Jones

The lack of thematic variation and development in the soundtrack makes it difficult to distinguish between pivotal moments in the battle, leading to a sense of musical uniformity throughout the film.

Edward Martin

The soundtrack of 300 perfectly captures the intensity and epic scale of the Battle of Thermopylae. The powerful and dramatic music enhances the emotions of the scenes, making the audience feel fully immersed in the action.

Joseph Johnson

The soundtrack of 300 effectively captures the intensity and epic scale of the Battle of Thermopylae, with powerful and dramatic music that enhances the atmosphere of the film.

Edward King

The incorporation of traditional Greek instruments and melodies in the music helps to transport the audience to the ancient world, immersing them in the historical setting of the film.

Edward Evans

The use of traditional instruments combined with modern elements creates a unique and memorable sound that adds depth to the storytelling. The soundtrack effectively conveys the courage and sacrifice of the Greek soldiers, enhancing the overall viewing experience.