7eventy 5ive Soundtrack (

7eventy 5ive Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

7eventy 5ive

Title in Italiano:

75 - Seventy Five

Title in Português:

Dead Tone


Finals at the prestigious University of Dreyskill are finally over and it's time to party. "The Crew", as they are known by their peers and dorm mates, are invited to a rich classmate's hideaway mansion high up in the hills of Colorado. What was supposed to be a weekend of fun and relaxation quickly becomes a trip they will never forget, if they survive. A simple game of prank scare phone calls becomes an intense game of survival and escape when one of the Crew members accidentally calls the wrong person.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
7eventy 5ive
Something Wrong
Femi Ojetunde: Produced
You Got What I Need
Femi Ojetunde: Produced
How We Do
Dr. Dre: Produced
Game: Writer
Game: Performer
In Da Club
50 Cent: Performer
50 Cent: Writer
Dr. Dre: Produced
Let's Get High
Dr. Dre: Performer
Dr. Dre: Produced
Dr. Dre: Writer
So High
RZA: Produced
RZA: Writer
Wouldn't You Like To Ride
Ye: Performer
Ye: Produced
Ye: Writer
Still Waters-Love
Smokey Robinson: Writer
Come With Me
Sticky Fingaz: Performer
Sticky Fingaz: Writer
Why Yall Haters So Mad
Lil' Flip: Performer
Lil' Flip: Writer