A Piece of My Heart Soundtrack (

A Piece of My Heart Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 1400 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Un pedazo de mi corazón

Title in Italiano:

A Piece of My Heart

Title in Português:

A Piece of My Heart

Title in Français:

En del av mitt hjärta

Title in Türk:

En del av mitt hjärta

Title in Deutsch:

En del av mitt hjärta


Based upon the music of legendary Swedish artist Tomas Ledin, "En del av mitt hjärta" is a musical comedy about Isabella, a driven businesswoman and a real hotshot in the Stockholm finance world.

When she returns to her small hometown to celebrate her father's 60th birthday, she feels like a winner compared to her former classmates: she's the only one who actually made something of herself. But her confidence is shaken when she realizes that her big teenage crush Simon is marrying her childhood friend Molly--and she isn't even invited to the wedding.

She's used to always getting what she wants, so she examines the feelings she still has for Simon, with the reluctant help of her childhood friend Edwin--who is secretly in love with her.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
A Piece of My Heart
Vi är på gång (intro)
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Lovisa Bengtsson: Performer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Inatt är jag din
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Lovisa Bengtsson: Performer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Vi är på gång
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Lovisa Bengtsson: Performer
Du kan lita på mig
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Malin Akerman: Performer
Vi drev hjälplöst
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Malin Akerman: Performer
Den älskades sömn
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Lovisa Bengtsson: Performer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Helt galen i dig
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Shima Niavarani: Performer
En del av mitt hjärta
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Malin Akerman: Performer
Blå blå känslor (instrumental)
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Minns du Hollywood
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Johan Ulveson: Performer
Vi ska gömma oss i varandra
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Jonas Karlsson: Performer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
"På vingar av stål (instrumental)
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Sensuella Isabella
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Christian Hillborg: Performer
Just nu
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Jonas Karlsson: Performer
Peter Kvint: Produced
En sak
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Johan Ulveson: Performer
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Shima Niavarani: Performer
Hon gör allt för att göra mig lycklig
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Christian Hillborg: Performer
Sommaren är kort
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Malin Akerman: Performer
Det ligger i luften
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Kristofer Nergårdh: Produced
Malin Akerman: Performer
Lika hopplöst förälskad
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Jonas Karlsson: Performer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Everybody Wants to Hear It
Tomas Ledin: Performer
Tomas Ledin: Writer
I natt är jag din
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Peter Kvint: Produced
Malin Akerman: Performer
Snart tystnar musiken
Tomas Ledin: Writer
Lovisa Bengtsson: Performer

User reviews

Timothy Miller

The soundtrack of A Piece of My Heart captures the essence of the story beautifully, blending emotions of nostalgia and longing with upbeat and catchy tunes.

Patricia Green

The musical numbers in the film seem forced and out of place, interrupting the flow of the narrative rather than enhancing it.

Ashley Evans

The use of music to explore themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery in the film is executed with finesse, drawing the audience deeper into the narrative.

George Hernandez

The musical comedy aspect of the film is highlighted through the lively and fun songs, adding a layer of entertainment to the overall viewing experience.

Donald Carter

The soundtrack of A Piece of My Heart feels disjointed and lacks cohesion, making it difficult to connect emotionally with the characters and their story.

Margaret Walker

The songs in the soundtrack are not only catchy and enjoyable to listen to, but they also serve as a reflection of the characters' inner struggles and desires.

Jennifer Clark

The soundtrack of A Piece of My Heart perfectly captures the emotions of the characters, enhancing the storytelling and making the scenes more powerful.

Kenneth Miller

The use of music in A Piece of My Heart elevates the overall viewing experience, adding depth and emotion to the already compelling story.

Stephanie Lopez

The music by Tomas Ledin adds a nostalgic yet contemporary feel to the film, creating a unique atmosphere that resonates with the audience.

Joseph Clark

The music by Tomas Ledin adds depth to the characters' emotions, enhancing the storytelling and making the audience feel more connected to the characters.

Melissa Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of A Piece of My Heart is a standout element of the film, enhancing the storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Brian Allen

The soundtrack of A Piece of My Heart successfully conveys the internal struggles and conflicts of the characters, making their journey more relatable and engaging.

Richard Martin

The songs in the soundtrack are well-chosen and complement the scenes perfectly, creating a cohesive musical experience throughout the film.

Stephanie Hall

The songs, based on Tomas Ledin's music, fail to evoke a sense of nostalgia or add depth to the characters' inner struggles, resulting in a superficial and forgettable listening experience.