"A Sort of Family" is a film that tells the story of Malena, a successful doctor who is desperate to have a child of her own. After years of failed attempts at conceiving, she decides to adopt a baby from a young woman in a small town in Argentina. However, when the baby is born, Malena discovers that the birth mother has disappeared, leaving her with no legal documentation for the child.
As Malena navigates the complex and corrupt adoption system in Argentina, she is forced to confront the harsh realities of poverty and inequality in the country. She forms a bond with the baby's teenage sister, who helps her uncover the truth about the baby's origins.
Throughout the film, Malena is faced with difficult decisions and moral dilemmas as she fights to protect the child she has come to love as her own. "A Sort of Family" is a powerful and emotional drama that explores the lengths a mother will go to in order to protect her child.