A Wedding for Christmas Soundtrack (

A Wedding for Christmas Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 5.40/10 from 1100 votes
Tags: childhood flame
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

A Wedding for Christmas

Title in Italiano:

Un matrimonio per Natale

Title in Português:

A Wedding for Christmas

Title in Français:

Marions-nous à Noël!

Title in Türk:

Marions-nous à Noël!

Title in Deutsch:

Marions-nous à Noël!


A Wedding for Christmas

When Emily receives a wedding invitation from her ex-boyfriend, she is hesitant to attend. However, her best friend convinces her to go and she reluctantly agrees.

At the wedding, Emily is surprised to find out that her ex-boyfriend is getting married to her former best friend. As she navigates through the emotions of seeing her ex move on, she meets Nick, the best man.

Nick and Emily hit it off and soon find themselves spending more time together. As Christmas approaches, they realize that they have developed feelings for each other.

Will Emily be able to move on from her past and find love with Nick? Or will the ghosts of her past relationships haunt her forever?

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A Wedding for Christmas

User reviews

William Clark

The soundtrack of A Wedding for Christmas beautifully captures the emotional journey of the characters, enhancing the romantic and heartwarming moments throughout the film.

Brian Carter

The soundtrack effectively conveys the characters' internal struggles and growth throughout the movie, making it easier for the audience to connect with their experiences.

Jennifer Mitchell

The music enhances the romantic atmosphere of the film, creating a sense of warmth and coziness that fits well with the Christmas theme.

Nancy Martinez

Overall, the soundtrack of A Wedding for Christmas contributes to the overall charm of the film and helps to create a festive and heartwarming atmosphere that is perfect for the holiday season.

Kenneth Young

The sound design in A Wedding for Christmas is well-balanced, allowing the music to enhance the emotional impact of the story without overshadowing the actors' performances.

Joshua Nelson

The soundtrack of A Wedding for Christmas perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main characters, especially during pivotal moments in the story.

Elizabeth Scott

Each track sets the tone for the scenes, creating a captivating atmosphere that draws the audience into the characters' emotions and the festive spirit of Christmas.

Sarah White

Overall, the soundtrack of A Wedding for Christmas adds depth and charm to the film, making it a delightful experience for viewers seeking a heartening holiday love story.

Joseph Davis

Each song in the soundtrack perfectly complements the unfolding storyline, creating a seamless and immersive viewing experience that tugs at the heartstrings.

Sarah Jones

The music perfectly complements the storyline, evoking a sense of nostalgia and hope as Emily navigates through her past relationships and discovers new love with Nick.

Linda Johnson

The music selection in A Wedding for Christmas is not only enjoyable to listen to but also adds depth and nuance to the characters' relationships, making it a standout element of the film.

Linda Campbell

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack create a soothing background that complements the dialogue and visuals, without overpowering the scenes.

Lisa Adams

The soundtrack of A Wedding for Christmas truly captures the emotional journey of the main characters, enhancing every scene with its beautiful melodies and heartfelt lyrics.

Susan Allen

The variety of musical styles used in the soundtrack adds depth to the storytelling, from uplifting melodies during happy scenes to more melancholic tunes in moments of introspection.