After Life is a British black comedy-drama television series created and directed by Ricky Gervais. The show follows Tony, a man who is struggling to cope with the recent death of his wife. Tony contemplates suicide but decides instead to live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes, being mean to everyone he encounters.
As Tony goes about his daily life, he interacts with a variety of quirky characters who challenge his negative outlook on life. Through these interactions, Tony begins to see the impact his words and actions have on others and starts to question whether he truly wants to continue living in such a bitter and resentful manner.
After Life explores themes of grief, loss, and redemption, as Tony grapples with his own inner demons and struggles to find a reason to keep going. The show has been praised for its dark humor, emotional depth, and Gervais' performance as the complex and troubled protagonist.