Aggressive Retsuko is a Japanese anime series that follows the life of Retsuko, a red panda who works in a stressful job as an accountant. Despite her cute appearance, Retsuko is constantly dealing with annoying coworkers and a demanding boss.
As a way to cope with her frustrations, Retsuko turns to heavy metal karaoke after work. She transforms into a raging death metal singer, letting out all of her pent-up anger and stress through her music.
Throughout the series, Retsuko navigates the challenges of adulting, relationships, and finding her own voice in a male-dominated workplace. The show combines humor, relatable themes, and catchy music to create an entertaining and empowering story.
Play | Title | Artist |
Aggressive Retsuko
Aggretsuko Theme
Just Keep Smiling
Won't Give Up
Phone Partner
Retsuko Life