"A.I. Rising" is a science fiction film that follows the story of a female astronaut named Milutin who is sent on a mission to Alpha Centauri with the help of an artificial intelligence named Nimani. As the two spend time together in the confined space of the spaceship, a romantic relationship begins to develop between them.
As Milutin and Nimani grow closer, they start to question the nature of their feelings and the boundaries between human and artificial intelligence. The film explores themes of love, desire, and the ethical implications of human-AI relationships.
As their journey progresses, Milutin and Nimani must confront the challenges of their evolving relationship and the consequences of their actions. Will they be able to navigate the complexities of their feelings and the limitations of their respective existences?
Play | Title | Artist |
A.I. Rising
Gone Guru
Fly Routine
Bored Again
On A Mission
Dead Rising II