"Airplane Mode" is a thrilling comedy that follows Logan Paul on his first flight to Australia for the world's largest social media convention. As Logan faces his fear of flying, he encounters a nightmare scenario when passengers refuse to switch their phones to airplane mode. This causes chaos on the plane, leading to a dangerous situation where the pilots are electrocuted and the controls go haywire.
Amidst the madness, Logan's foreign exchange brother, Juanpa Zurita, is on a mission to lose his virginity or die trying. It's now up to Logan to conquer his fears, take down a Russian psychopath, and save the day. With a star-studded cast including Chloe Bridges, Amanda Cerny, King Bach, Nick Bateman, Lele Pons, Roman Atwood, Casey Neistat, Brittany Furlan, and more, the internet is on the brink of crashing and exploding. Logan must step up to save his fandom and prevent disaster.