American Tragedy Soundtrack (

American Tragedy Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

American Tragedy

Title in Italiano:

American Tragedy

Title in Português:

American Tragedy

Title in Français:

American Tragedy

Title in Türk:

American Tragedy

Title in Deutsch:

American Tragedy


April 20, 1999 Columbine High School was under attack by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Sue Klebold, Dylan's mother, attempts to reconcile how the son she thought she knew, the son she loved could willingly be a school shooter. "If love could have stopped Columbine," she says, "Columbine would never have happened." What would real prevention look like? Is it possible? Is America ready?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
American Tragedy
Alexander the Not So Great
In the Wake of the Muse
Live Forever
30,000 Ft. and Priceless
Why Things Burn
Room With One Wall
Ted the Clown
Year of the Comet
Bitten Bt the X or Y
Fig Leaf
From Guitar Strinngs to Bioluminescence
The Synchronized Skyswimmers of the 21st Century
Like Birds to a Wire
Beneath Every Pearl
The Rosenburg
Notes and Imperfections