In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the United States suffered the worst domestic animal crisis in its history. Tens of miles of household pets turned up in neighborhoods across the Gulf as owners were forced to evacuate without their pets. Tom McPhee went to Gonzales, Louisiana, not knowing how he would help, only knowing that he would need to help in some way. He volunteered at the Lamar Dixon Expo Center and, by chance, spent the next four days taking photo after photo of thousands of pets rescued from flooded New Orleans. Over the next 16 months, Tom would document this historic event as it unfolded, trying to understand where it all went wrong. An American Opera is an unflinching operatic vision of what happened to the people of New Orleans who were forced to evacuate without their beloved pets. Follow the story of pets, do veterinarians, owners, officials, rescuers and animal adopters as they all work in chaos for what is right only to discover that they are not...