Angel Beats! is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of Otonashi, a young boy who wakes up in the afterlife with no memories of his past life. He soon discovers that he is in a place called the afterlife school, where students who have died are given a second chance at life.
At the afterlife school, Otonashi meets a group of students who call themselves the SSS (Shinda Sekai Sensen), a group of rebels who are fighting against the student council president, Angel. Angel is a mysterious girl with supernatural powers who enforces the rules of the afterlife school.
As Otonashi gets to know the members of the SSS, he learns about their tragic pasts and the reasons why they are rebelling against Angel. Together, they work to uncover the secrets of the afterlife school and find a way to move on to the next life.
Angel Beats! is a heartwarming and emotional story about friendship, redemption, and the power of letting go of the past. It explores themes of life, death, and what it means to truly live. With its beautiful animation and memorable characters, Angel Beats! is a must-watch for any anime fan.
Play | Title | Artist |
Angel Beats!
My Soul, Your Beats!
Brave Song
Aoi Tada: