Angie Tribeca is a comedy television series that follows the adventures of a tenacious LAPD detective named Angie Tribeca. The show is a satirical take on police procedurals and crime dramas, with each episode featuring over-the-top and absurd scenarios.
The series is known for its fast-paced humor, slapstick comedy, and clever wordplay. Angie Tribeca is portrayed as a skilled detective who is dedicated to solving crimes, often with the help of her partner Jay Geils and their quirky colleagues at the LAPD.
Created by Steve Carell and Nancy Walls Carell, Angie Tribeca has received praise for its unique style of comedy and the performances of its cast members. The show's format is reminiscent of classic detective shows, but with a modern and comedic twist.
Overall, Angie Tribeca is a hilarious and entertaining series that offers a fresh and comedic take on the crime genre, making it a must-watch for fans of offbeat humor and clever storytelling.