Antibirth is a horror film that follows the story of Lou, a young woman who finds herself mysteriously pregnant after a night of partying with her friend Sadie. As Lou's body begins to undergo strange and disturbing changes, she becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional.
With the help of a local drug dealer named Lorna, Lou sets out to uncover the truth behind her pregnancy and the bizarre events happening to her. As she delves deeper into the mystery, Lou discovers a dark and sinister conspiracy that threatens her very existence.
As Lou's condition worsens, she must confront her own demons and fight for her survival against forces beyond her control. Antibirth is a chilling and surreal tale of body horror and psychological terror that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Play | Title | Artist |
Wandered Again
John Schmersal:
Druggie & a bitch !!
Touch Me
Funzone Theme Song
Mr. Driver
Chocolate Cherry
Dead Moon Night
Logo My Ego
UFO's Over Vampire City