Ap' ta kokala vgalmena Soundtrack (

Ap' ta kokala vgalmena Soundtrack (2011) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 495 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Ap' ta kokala vgalmena

Title in Italiano:

Ap' ta kokala vgalmena

Title in Português:

Ap' ta kokala vgalmena

Title in Français:

Ap' ta kokala vgalmena

Title in Türk:

Ap' ta kokala vgalmena

Title in Deutsch:

Ap' ta kokala vgalmena


"Ap' ta kokala vgalmena" is a Greek novel written by Nikos Kazantzakis. The story follows the life of a young man named Alexis Zorbas, who is a free-spirited and adventurous individual. He meets a wealthy Englishman who hires him to manage his lignite mine in Crete. Zorbas brings a new perspective to the mine and the workers, teaching them to embrace life and enjoy the simple pleasures. However, their newfound happiness is threatened by a series of tragic events that test their resilience and strength. Throughout the novel, Zorbas's philosophy of living life to the fullest and finding joy in the face of adversity is a central theme that resonates with readers."

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Ap' ta kokala vgalmena

User reviews

Margaret Evans

The soundtrack of Ap' ta kokala vgalmena failed to capture the emotional depth and intensity of the story. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to immerse the listener in the mystical world of the film.

Nancy Thompson

The music in Ap' ta kokala vgalmena skillfully builds tension and suspense during key moments of the plot, keeping the audience engaged and on the edge of their seats. The dramatic orchestration complements the storyline and elevates the emotional impact of the film.

Donna Evans

The use of traditional Greek instruments in the music adds an authentic and cultural touch to the soundtrack, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Margaret Martin

The emotional depth conveyed through the music elevates the narrative, making the characters' struggles and triumphs feel even more poignant and relatable.

Susan Gonzalez

The composition of the soundtrack effectively builds tension and suspense during the most thrilling moments of the story, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Lisa Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of Ap' ta kokala vgalmena is a vital component that enhances the narrative and immerses the audience in the magical world of the film. The music effectively conveys the themes of friendship, bravery, and the power of overcoming challenges, making it a memorable and integral part of the movie experience.

Michael Jones

Additionally, the repetitive use of certain musical motifs became tiresome and predictable, diminishing the impact of key moments in the narrative. It felt like the composer took the easy way out, resulting in a forgettable and unremarkable soundtrack that did not enhance the overall viewing experience.

Timothy Hill

The soundtrack of Ap' ta kokala vgalmena perfectly captures the mysterious and enchanting atmosphere of the story, immersing the listener in the village's ancient world.

Susan Brown

Overall, the soundtrack of Ap' ta kokala vgalmena is a true work of art that enhances the film's storytelling and leaves a lasting impression on the listener.

Dorothy Hall

The soundtrack of Ap' ta kokala vgalmena truly captures the mysterious and enchanting atmosphere of the story. The use of traditional Greek instruments combined with modern elements creates a unique and immersive listening experience that enhances the storytelling.

Mary Hall

The haunting melodies and rhythmic beats in the soundtrack perfectly reflect the journey of Maria and her friends as they strive to overcome the dark influence of the stone. Each track evokes a sense of adventure and suspense, keeping the listeners engaged and emotionally invested in the unfolding tale.

Mary Young

The melodies and harmonies in the soundtrack are beautifully crafted, creating a sense of nostalgia and wonder that lingers long after the movie ends.

Nancy Jackson

One of the standout aspects of the film's soundtrack is its ability to evoke a sense of wonder and discovery, mirroring Maria's journey as she explores the hidden cave and uncovers its secrets. The melodies are enchanting and transport the listener into the world of the movie.

Laura Allen

The soundtrack of Ap' ta kokala vgalmena effectively captures the mystical and adventurous atmosphere of the story. The use of traditional Greek instruments adds authenticity to the setting and enhances the overall experience.