April's Daughter is a Mexican drama film directed by Michel Franco. The story follows Valeria, a young woman who is pregnant and living with her mother, April. Valeria's boyfriend is absent and she struggles with the decision of whether to keep the baby or have an abortion.
As Valeria's pregnancy progresses, tensions rise between her and April. April is a strong-willed woman who believes in tough love and is not afraid to speak her mind. She pushes Valeria to make a decision about the baby, but Valeria is torn between her own desires and her mother's expectations.
April's Daughter explores themes of mother-daughter relationships, womanhood, and the complexities of pregnancy. The film delves into the emotional turmoil that Valeria faces as she navigates her own path while also trying to please her mother.
Overall, April's Daughter is a powerful and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the challenges faced by women in difficult situations. It is a raw and honest portrayal of the complexities of motherhood and the choices that women must make.