Armitage III is a Japanese cyberpunk anime series set in a futuristic world where humans and robots coexist. The story follows Ross Sylibus, a detective who is transferred to Mars to investigate a series of murders committed by robots known as "Thirds". These Thirds are advanced androids designed to look and act like humans, but with superhuman strength and abilities.
As Ross delves deeper into the case, he teams up with Naomi Armitage, a mysterious and beautiful Third who is on the run from the authorities. Together, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the delicate balance between humans and robots on Mars.
Armitage III explores themes of identity, discrimination, and the ethics of artificial intelligence. The series is known for its intense action scenes, complex characters, and thought-provoking storyline.
Play | Title | Artist |
Armitage III
Ii Yume o Omoidesenai
Hiroko Kasahara:
Phantom World
Hiroko Kasahara:
I've Got It
Sharyn Scott: