"Asfur" is a drama series that follows the lives of four brothers who live in a small village in Palestine. Each brother has their own struggles and dreams, but they are all united by their love for their family and their determination to overcome the challenges they face.
The eldest brother, Tarek, is a hardworking fisherman who is trying to provide for his family despite the difficult economic conditions in the village. His younger brother, Sami, is a talented musician who dreams of leaving the village to pursue a career in music.
Meanwhile, their other brothers, Khaled and Omar, are dealing with their own personal issues. Khaled is struggling with his identity and trying to find his place in the world, while Omar is torn between his loyalty to his family and his desire for independence.
As the brothers navigate their way through life, they must confront their pasts, face their fears, and make difficult decisions that will shape their futures. "Asfur" is a powerful and emotional story about family, love, and the pursuit of happiness in the face of adversity.