Auschwitz 2006 Soundtrack (

Auschwitz 2006 Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 8.20/10 from 7 votes
Tags: shoah
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Auschwitz 2006

Title in Italiano:

Auschwitz 2006

Title in Português:

Auschwitz 2006

Title in Français:

Auschwitz 2006

Title in Türk:

Auschwitz 2006

Title in Deutsch:

Auschwitz 2006


Auschwitz 2006 is a documentary film that follows a group of survivors who return to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, 60 years after they were liberated.

The film captures their emotional journey as they revisit the site where they endured unimaginable horrors during the Holocaust. Through their stories and reflections, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the lasting impact of the atrocities committed at Auschwitz.

Auschwitz 2006 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of remembering the past and honoring the memories of those who perished in the Holocaust.

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Auschwitz 2006

User reviews

Paul Smith

The incorporation of traditional Jewish music in key moments adds authenticity and cultural richness to the overall viewing experience.

Betty Robinson

The use of subtle piano compositions in certain scenes creates a somber atmosphere, emphasizing the gravity of the survivors' experiences at Auschwitz.

Dorothy Anderson

The soundtrack of Auschwitz 2006 truly captures the emotional depth and poignant journey of the survivors as they return to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Each musical piece resonates with the heartbreaking stories and reflections shared by the survivors, immersing the audience in their experiences.

Robert White

The soundtrack of Auschwitz 2006 skillfully conveys the resilience and courage of the survivors as they revisit their painful past.

Susan Hernandez

The soundtrack of Auschwitz 2006 effectively captures the emotional weight of the survivors' journey back to the site, blending haunting melodies with poignant themes.

Joseph Lewis

The use of music in Auschwitz 2006 is both moving and respectful, underscoring the importance of preserving the history and lessons of the Holocaust.

Linda Lee

The music in the documentary serves as a powerful tribute to the strength and spirit of the survivors who returned to Auschwitz after 60 years.

Karen Hall

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack of Auschwitz 2006 perfectly capture the emotional weight and somber tone of the documentary.

Deborah Walker

The music serves as a powerful companion to the visuals, enhancing the impact of the survivors' testimonials and making their stories even more poignant.

Joshua Johnson

The haunting vocals and instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of reverence and reflection, honoring the memory of those who suffered in the Holocaust.

Mark Campbell

The emotional depth of the music in the documentary adds a layer of authenticity and sincerity to the survivors' stories.

Patricia Jackson

The soundtrack succeeds in conveying the survivors' resilience and strength in the face of unspeakable tragedy, adding depth to their narratives.

David Walker

The soundtrack of Auschwitz 2006 complements the visuals beautifully, enhancing the overall impact of the film.

Michael Johnson

The music in the documentary enhances the storytelling, evoking a sense of solemnity and reflection that resonates deeply with the viewer.

Deborah Miller

The score of Auschwitz 2006 strikes a delicate balance between sorrow and hope, mirroring the complex emotions of the survivors as they confront their past.

George Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of Auschwitz 2006 complements the documentary's themes of remembrance and resilience, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Amanda Thompson

The music enhances the storytelling in the film, evoking a profound sense of empathy and connection with the survivors' experiences.

Paul Davis

The music evokes a sense of solemnity and reverence, perfectly complementing the documentary's themes of remembrance and honoring the memories of those who suffered in the Holocaust. It enhances the film's impact, creating a haunting yet beautiful atmosphere that stays with the viewer long after the movie ends.

Michael Martin

The soundtrack of the film is a poignant and memorable accompaniment that underscores the profound themes of remembrance and resilience portrayed in Auschwitz 2006.

Sarah Martinez

The use of subtle orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack creates a poignant atmosphere that lingers long after the film has ended.