Aída Soundtrack (

Aída Soundtrack (2005) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 2400 votes
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"Aída" is a Spanish television comedy series that follows the life of Aída García, a single mother who works as a cleaning lady in a wealthy neighborhood. She lives with her two teenage children, her father, and her brother. The show explores the challenges and humor that come with Aída's daily life as she navigates relationships, work, and family dynamics.

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Play Title Artist
Que nadie me levante la voz
Bebe: Lyrics
Bebe: Performer

User reviews

Linda Johnson

I found the soundtrack of Aída to be quite repetitive and uninspiring. The same musical themes were often used throughout the series, which made it feel monotonous and lacking in creativity.

John Hall

While the music in Aída is enjoyable, I do think that some tracks can become repetitive over time. A bit more variety in the soundtrack could have made certain moments even more memorable.

Ronald Jackson

The use of traditional Spanish melodies in the soundtrack of Aída adds a nice touch of authenticity to the show, reflecting the cultural background of the characters and setting.

Lisa Anderson

The way the music is integrated into key moments of the show, such as emotional scenes or comedic sequences, enhances the impact of those moments and helps create a more immersive viewing experience.

Jennifer Baker

The variety of musical styles and genres in the Aída soundtrack keeps things fresh and interesting. From upbeat tunes to more mellow melodies, the soundtrack complements the different scenes and emotions portrayed in the series.

Carol Clark

Overall, the soundtrack of Aída is a standout aspect of the series for me. It not only adds depth and emotion to the storylines but also showcases the musical talent and creativity behind the production.

Edward Hall

I appreciate how the music in Aída is able to evoke different emotions, from lightheartedness to more emotional moments, effectively enhancing the storytelling and character development.

Emily Parker

The memorable theme song of Aída never fails to put me in a good mood. Its catchy melody and fun lyrics make it a perfect introduction to each episode and set the tone for the comedy that follows.

Joshua Smith

I find the soundtrack of Aída to be quite catchy and upbeat, fitting well with the comedic tone of the series. The music often adds to the humor of the scenes and enhances the overall viewing experience.

Sarah Campbell

I find the soundtrack of Aída to be incredibly engaging and fitting for the comedic tone of the series. The music enhances the humor and adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the show.

Nancy Lopez

Overall, I believe that the soundtrack of Aída complements the series well and contributes to its charm and entertainment value. It's a key element in creating the vibrant atmosphere of the show.

Stephanie Baker

Additionally, I felt that the music sometimes did not match the tone of the scenes in the show. There were moments where the soundtrack seemed out of place or too dramatic for the comedic situations, which detracted from the overall viewing experience.