"Bastards of Young" is a coming-of-age story that follows a group of rebellious teenagers as they navigate the challenges of adolescence in a small town. The main character, Jake, is a troubled young man who struggles with his identity and place in the world. He forms a close bond with his group of friends, who are also dealing with their own personal demons.
As they navigate the ups and downs of teenage life, Jake and his friends find solace in music and rebellion. They form a band called "Bastards of Young" and use their music as a form of self-expression and escape from their troubled lives. However, as they delve deeper into the world of music and rebellion, they begin to realize that their actions have consequences.
Through heartfelt performances and emotional turmoil, the group of friends must confront their pasts and make difficult decisions about their futures. "Bastards of Young" explores themes of friendship, love, and the struggle to find oneself in a world that often feels hostile and unforgiving.