In latter-21st-century Gotham City, The Jokerz, a street gang enamored of the city's infamous Clown Prince Of Crime, is breaking into a high-tech engineering plant to steal a powerful generator, a crime stopped by the new Batman (Terry McGuiness) and which puzzles Terry and his mentor, the elderly original Batman Bruce Wayne.
The reason for this and other "geek junk" thefts is a mystery even to The Jokerz gang, who are now working for someone claiming to be the original Joker himself. When he makes an appearence at a charity function attended by Bruce Wayne (cover to steal another generator), the Joker taunts Wayne, and later sends his minions to attack Terry McGuiness while he attacks the Batcave.
But the original Joker died forty years earlier, and why does this new Joker want high-tech items? When a shaken Barbara Gordon explains the fate of the original Joker, Terry begins to piece the twin mysteries together, culminating in a confrontation with the Joker that literally threatens the very existence of Gotham City.
Play | Title | Artist |
Batman of the Future: Return on the Joker
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (Main Title)
Industrial Heist
Meet the Joker
Joker Crashes Bruce's Party
Terry Relieved of Duty
Nightclub Fight / Terry Rescues Bruce
A Trap for Tim
Joker Family Portrait
Arkham Mayhem
Batman Defeats the Jokerz
Joker Meets His End (Again)
Healing Old Wounds
Crash (The Humble Brothers Remix)
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker End Title
"Crash (The Humble Brothers Remix)" - Mephisto Odyssey Featuring Static X
Kristopher Carter:
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (End Title) - Featuring Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Kristopher Carter:
Joker Crashes Bruce's Party
Kristopher Carter: