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Alexei Losev, owner of Cronos, arrives to pressure son-in-law Victor into successfully presenting Arisa for the company's "Early Pension" proposal before a board of review. They need prototype Arisa for both presentation and replication to make the venture work. Victor, in turn, pressures Igor to quick-fix their problem. Georgy, having discovered Arisa, aims to return it while picking up Alesha, his father's repaired but often glitching senior citizen bot. Safeguarding Sonya proves useful and sways Georgy into temporarily accepting the bot back. Cyber Crimes isn't fooled by Georgy's attempt to blame the Liquidator anti-bot vigilantes for arson at the morgue, which loses Georgy his job and brings Pavel Varlamov (known for "excessive enthusiasm") to investigate the Safronov home. Alla and Marina - unbeknownst to them all and antsy to get the goods on Georgy as a bad parent - have video-bugged the apartment. Egor's need to be with Jeanne requires a personal sacrifice that puts him in good stead with the Liquidators on their special night.