Blame is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tsutomu Nihei. The story is set in a dystopian future where a massive structure known as the City stretches endlessly in all directions. Within the City, a group of humans known as the Electro-Fishers struggle to survive amidst the dangers of the environment and the hostility of the Safeguard, a group of automated security systems.
The protagonist of the series is Killy, a mysterious man with a powerful weapon known as the Gravitational Beam Emitter. Killy's mission is to find a human with the Net Terminal Gene, a genetic marker that can interface with the City's systems and potentially save humanity from extinction. Along the way, Killy encounters various factions and individuals, each with their own agendas and secrets.
Blame explores themes of isolation, technology, and the nature of humanity in a world where survival is a constant struggle. The series is known for its intricate artwork, detailed world-building, and philosophical undertones. As Killy delves deeper into the mysteries of the City, he must confront his own past and the dark truths hidden within its endless corridors.