Bloodfist II is a martial arts action film that follows the story of a former kickboxing champion named Jake Raye. After serving time in prison for killing a man in a fight, Jake is released and decides to start a new life. He moves to a small town and takes a job as a karate instructor at a local gym.
However, Jake's past comes back to haunt him when he is approached by a group of mobsters who want him to fight in an underground martial arts tournament. Reluctant at first, Jake eventually agrees to participate in the tournament in order to protect his new friends and loved ones.
As the tournament progresses, Jake must face off against some of the toughest fighters in the world. With his reputation and life on the line, Jake must use all of his skills and training to survive and come out on top.
Bloodfist II is a thrilling and action-packed film that showcases the power of determination and redemption in the face of adversity.