Boot Camp Soundtrack (

Boot Camp Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 8458 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Campamento castigo

Title in Italiano:

Boot Camp

Title in Português:

O Campo do Medo


When provocatively impish drug addict Sophie is forcibly shipped off by her passive mother and brutally domineering stepfather to dodgy, messianic and platitude-spouting Dr. Arthur Hail's completely isolated Fiji island boot camp for wayward teens (a.k.a. Camp Serenity), her perfectly respectable boyfriend Ben refuses to stand passively by. He fakes a drug problem to get himself enrolled in Dr. Hail's Advanced Serenity Achievement Program, where he plans to find and escape with Sophie. Meanwhile both teens witness and endure the physically harsh and psychologically brutal conditions fostered by the doctor and enforced by Logan, his militaristic and imposing chief of security - where all "enrollees" have "less rights than prisoners on death row."

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Boot Camp
Oh My
Jonathan Bates: Writer
Mellowdrone: Performer
Don't Take It Away
Devics: Performer
Sara Lov: Writer
The Funeral
Ben Bridwell: Writer
Band of Horses: Performer
New Noise
Refused: Performer
David Sandström: Writer
I Go Hard, I Go Home
The Presets: Performer
Julian Hamilton: Writer
Rocco DeLuca: Performer
Rocco DeLuca: Writer
Future Foe Scenarios
Brian Aubert: Writer
Silversun Pickups: Performer
Hang Me Up to Dry
Cold War Kids: Performer
Matt Aveiro: Writer