Bramadero Soundtrack (

Bramadero Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 5.20/10 from 421 votes
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"Bramadero" is a short film that tells the story of two young men who meet in a forest to engage in a sexual encounter. The film explores themes of desire, intimacy, and vulnerability as the two men navigate their emotions and physical connection. As they explore their desires in the secluded forest, they are confronted with their own insecurities and fears. The film is a raw and intimate portrayal of human connection and the complexities of desire.

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En esta tarde gris
Mariano Mores: Writer

User reviews

Joshua Mitchell

On the other hand, while the soundtrack effectively complements the themes of the film, at times it feels overpowering and distracting, taking away from the subtlety of the storytelling. Some musical cues can feel too on-the-nose, diminishing the impact of the emotional moments between the characters.

Amanda Williams

The soundtrack of Bramadero perfectly captures the raw and intimate atmosphere of the film. The music enhances the emotional depth of the story and creates a sense of intimacy that draws the audience into the characters' experiences.

Lisa Scott

The soundtrack of Bramadero failed to enhance the emotional depth of the film. The music felt disconnected from the raw and intimate portrayal of human connection, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere.

Stephanie Campbell

The soundtrack of Bramadero is a standout element of the film, seamlessly blending with the visuals to create a cohesive and immersive viewing experience. The music not only complements the storytelling but also elevates it, adding an extra dimension of depth and emotion to the narrative.

Ronald Thompson

The choice of songs in the soundtrack did not capture the vulnerability and complexity of desire portrayed in the film. Instead of enhancing the themes of intimacy and insecurity, the music felt out of place and distracting, taking away from the overall viewing experience.

Mark Evans

The soundtrack of Bramadero perfectly captures the raw and intimate emotions portrayed in the film. The music enhances the exploration of desire, intimacy, and vulnerability between the two men, creating a haunting and evocative atmosphere that lingers long after the film ends.

Betty King

The haunting melodies and atmospheric sounds in the soundtrack of Bramadero evoke a sense of vulnerability and desire that mirrors the themes explored in the film. The music adds layers of complexity to the characters' emotions, making their journey even more compelling and relatable.