Breathing Room Soundtrack (

Breathing Room Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Rating: 5.50/10 from 136 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Breathing Room

Title in Italiano:

Breathing Room

Title in Português:

Breathing Room

Title in Français:

Breathing Room

Title in Türk:

Breathing Room

Title in Deutsch:

Sekt oder Selters


She is Kathy, a comic book artist; this is David, teaching English to new immigrants. It's New York City, 29 days of shopping until Christmas, and they're in love. oh son? Their romance has been on and off, again because David can't bring himself to say, "I love you." He can say it in French, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, but not in English. So when he finds out at an inopportune moment that he has applied for a job in Ho Chi Minh City, he asks for a respite until Christmas; the film chronicles the ensuing days of restless indecision.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Breathing Room
Back Door Santa
Marcus Daniel: Writer
Clarence Carter: Performer
No One's Little Girl
The Raincoats: Performer
Gina Birch: Writer
Kevin Salem: Writer
Hold On -- Boomshanka Mix
Happy Clappers: Performer
Aatavu Chanda
Vijaya Anand: Writer
Vijaya Anand: Performer
I Didn't Know I Was Looking for Love
Ben Watt: Writer
Everything But The Girl: Performer