Brick Mansions Soundtrack (

Brick Mansions Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 44000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Brick Mansions (La fortaleza)

Title in Italiano:

Brick Mansions

Title in Português:

Bairro 13


Brick Mansions is set in a future where Detroit's most dangerous criminals occupy the city's deserted brick mansions. An undercover cop joins forces with an ex-convict to defeat the notorious drug kingpin who has taken the mayor hostage.

Detroit has fallen to crime, and in an effort to contain it, authorities have sealed up the inner city with a massive wall. Once you're inside, you never get out.

Lino (David Belle) is an ex-con who's trying to make the best of life in this urban penitentiary when his girlfriend is abducted by ruthless drug lord Tremaine (RZA). Meanwhile, as undercover cop Damien Collier (Paul Walker) contends with deep-rooted corruption within the police department, Tremaine imprisons the mayor, and threatens to detonate a powerful weapon unless he's paid millions in ransom.

Despite their differences, Lino and Collier are the only men capable of entering the city, and defeating Tremaine's gang. With the clock ticking, this mismatched duo must now prevent Detroit from being completely decimated by a maniac who holds the entire city in the palm of his hand.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Brick Mansions
Turn Down for What
Lil Jon: Writer
Lil Jon: Performer
John Fulford: Writer
N.E.P.H.E.W: Performer
The Man
Aloe Blacc: Performer
Aloe Blacc: Writer
We're Stronger Now
RZA: Performer
RZA: Writer
Short Change Hero
Kelvin Swaby: Writer
The Heavy: Performer
Christmas Is Sooner Than You Think
Anders Lewén: Writer
It's Gonna GO
Dick Walter: Performer
Dick Walter: Writer
You're A Winner
Dick Walter: Performer
Dick Walter: Writer
It's Gonna GO
Dick Walter: Performer
We're Stronger Now
RZA: Performer
Nowhere to Run
RZA: Performer
You're A Winner
Dick Walter: Performer

User reviews

Patricia Perez

The soundtrack of Brick Mansions perfectly captures the gritty and intense atmosphere of the movie. The music enhances the action sequences and keeps the tension high throughout the film.

Robert Carter

Overall, the music of Brick Mansions not only complements the visuals but also elevates the viewing experience, making it a memorable and engaging soundtrack that enhances the overall impact of the film.

John Wilson

The soundtrack of Brick Mansions features high-energy tracks that keep the audience engaged and heighten the suspense during key moments in the movie.

Sarah Jackson

The use of vocals and instrumentals in the soundtrack of Brick Mansions adds depth and complexity to the storytelling, creating a multi-dimensional audio experience for the viewers.

Ashley Campbell

The soundtrack of Brick Mansions effectively underscores the themes of loyalty, redemption, and justice portrayed in the film, enhancing the overall message of the story.

Carol Moore

The soundtrack of Brick Mansions perfectly captures the gritty and intense atmosphere of the film. Each track enhances the action-packed scenes and adds to the suspense of the storyline.

Patricia Harris

The soundtrack of Brick Mansions features memorable melodies and rhythms that stay with the audience even after the movie has ended, leaving a lasting impression.

Michelle Lee

The music in Brick Mansions effectively sets the tone for the action-packed sequences and adds depth to the characters' emotions.

Betty Davis

The combination of electronic beats and hip-hop influences in the soundtrack reflects the urban setting of the film and complements the adrenaline-fueled stunts and fight sequences. It truly elevates the overall viewing experience and makes the movie even more engaging.

Stephanie Turner

The mix of electronic beats and hip-hop vibes in the soundtrack reflects the urban setting of Detroit and adds an extra layer of excitement to the story.

James Baker

Overall, the soundtrack of Brick Mansions is a dynamic and engaging complement to the visuals and narrative of the film, effectively immersing the audience in the world of Detroit's dangerous brick mansions.

Kenneth Thompson

The blend of electronic beats and hip-hop elements in the soundtrack of Brick Mansions reflects the urban setting of the film and adds a modern touch to the storytelling.

Edward White

The soundtrack of Brick Mansions perfectly captures the gritty and intense atmosphere of the movie, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Stephanie Campbell

The music immerses you into the dystopian world of Detroit's abandoned brick mansions, creating a sense of urgency and danger that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the movie.

Dorothy Taylor

The music in Brick Mansions showcases a diverse range of styles and genres, catering to different moods and atmospheres throughout the movie.

Deborah Carter

The musical score of Brick Mansions seamlessly integrates with the fast-paced action scenes, creating a sense of urgency and excitement for the viewers.