Bruce Lee and the Outlaw is a documentary film that tells the story of a young homeless girl named Nicu who befriends a notorious criminal known as Bruce Lee. Nicu lives on the streets of Bucharest, Romania, and Bruce Lee is a charismatic figure who has a reputation for being a Robin Hood-like figure in the city.
As Nicu and Bruce Lee form a close bond, the film explores the complexities of their relationship and the challenges they face living on the margins of society. Bruce Lee teaches Nicu survival skills and helps her navigate the dangers of life on the streets, while Nicu provides Bruce Lee with companionship and a sense of purpose.
However, their friendship is put to the test when Bruce Lee is arrested and Nicu must decide whether to continue following in his footsteps or forge her own path. The film delves into themes of loyalty, friendship, and the struggle for survival in a harsh urban environment.