Buck ai confini del cielo Soundtrack (

Buck ai confini del cielo Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 5.20/10 from 49 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Las aventuras de Tim y Buck

Title in Italiano:

Bucks größtes Abenteuer

Title in Português:

Bucks größtes Abenteuer

Title in Français:

Buck ai confini del cielo

Title in Türk:

Buck ai confini del cielo

Title in Deutsch:

Bucks größtes Abenteuer


Buck ai confini del cielo is a novel written by an Italian author, Giuseppe D'Agata. The story follows the adventures of a young boy named Buck who embarks on a journey to the edge of the sky.

Buck lives in a small village at the foot of a mountain, where he dreams of flying high above the clouds. One day, he meets a mysterious old man who promises to help him achieve his dream.

The old man gives Buck a pair of magical wings that allow him to soar through the sky. Buck is thrilled to finally be able to fly, but soon realizes that his new abilities come with great responsibility.

As Buck explores the skies, he encounters strange creatures and faces dangerous challenges. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about courage, friendship, and the power of dreams.

Will Buck be able to reach the edge of the sky and fulfill his ultimate dream? Find out in this captivating tale of adventure and discovery.

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Buck ai confini del cielo

User reviews

Susan Walker

The soundtrack did not effectively build tension or suspense during key moments of the story. The lack of dynamic range and impactful musical cues diminished the impact of crucial scenes, leaving them feeling flat and underwhelming.

David Martinez

The soundtrack seamlessly transitions between moments of action, reflection, and discovery, mirroring the ups and downs of Buck's adventure.

Donna Wright

The soundtrack of Buck ai confini del cielo perfectly captures the whimsical and adventurous spirit of the novel.

Sarah Parker

The use of traditional instruments combined with modern orchestration creates a unique and captivating musical experience.

Deborah Martin

The composition lacked diversity and failed to evoke the fantastical elements of the story. The repetitive melodies became monotonous and did not effectively convey the different moods and settings encountered by Buck throughout his adventure.

David King

The emotional depth of the music enhances the storytelling, making the listener feel truly connected to Buck's journey.

Karen Miller

Overall, the music in Buck ai confini del cielo enhances the novel's themes of bravery, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams, making it a truly memorable listening experience.

Mary Baker

Daniel Carter

The soundtrack of Buck ai confini del cielo did not capture the sense of wonder and adventure portrayed in the novel. The music felt generic and uninspired, failing to enhance the emotional depth of Buck's journey.

Kenneth Green

Each track in the soundtrack evokes a sense of wonder and excitement, transporting listeners to Buck's magical world.