Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious is a Japanese light novel series written by Light Tuchihi and illustrated by Saori Toyota. The story follows the goddess Ristarte, who is tasked with summoning a hero to save the world of Gaeabrande from destruction. She summons Seiya Ryuuguuin, a hero with incredible strength and abilities, but also an extreme level of caution.
Seiya's cautious nature leads him to overprepare for every battle, often to the annoyance of Ristarte. Despite his cautiousness, Seiya proves to be an incredibly powerful hero, easily defeating enemies that would pose a challenge to others. As the story progresses, Seiya's cautiousness is put to the test as he faces increasingly powerful foes and challenges.
Cautious Hero is a unique take on the isekai genre, combining comedy, action, and fantasy elements. The series has been well-received for its humor, character development, and unexpected twists. Fans of isekai and fantasy stories will enjoy following Seiya's adventures as he navigates the world of Gaeabrande with his cautious approach to heroism.