CHIPS Soundtrack (

CHIPS Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 6.00/10 from 51000 votes
Tags: acronym in title
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

CHiPs: Loca patrulla motorizada

Title in Italiano:

CHIPS, (dis)ordine pubblico

Title in Português:

Patrulha de Doidos


The film begins with a getaway driver waiting for his crew in a Miami bank. Following a brief car chase, the driver reveals himself as Special Agent Castillo (Michael Peña) of the FBI. He then arrests the criminal crew who killed his former partner.

During the arrest, Castillo fires his service weapon through his partner's, Special Agent Clay Allen's (Adam Brody), shoulder. He then proceeded to show a naked photo of the criminal's wife to prove Castillo's affair with her.

Meanwhile, at the training center for the California Highway Patrol, Jon Baker (Dax Shepard) is a trainee who is awaiting his final exam to graduate. Failing a series of simple tests, he is placed at the desk of CHP Sergeant Gail Hernandez (Maya Rudolph) for a final interview and decision.

Hernandez acknowledges his ability to "ride" a motorcycle better than the majority of the cadets she trained. She grants him probationary approval to graduate pending a performance review based on Citations, Arrests and Good overall evaluations from Superiors.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
CHiPs (Theme)
Who Do You Love?
Santana: Performer
Babatunde Olatunji: Writer
David Paich: Writer
TOTO: Performer
I Will Always Love You
Dolly Parton: Writer
Dolly Parton: Performer
Bloody Well Right
Rick Davies: Writer
Supertramp: Performer
Come On Get Higher
Matt Nathanson: Writer
Matt Nathanson: Performer
Apretando En Lo Oscuro
Otis Redding: Writer
Aretha Franklin: Performer
You're the One for Me
Rock Steady
Barry Ashworth: Writer
Dub Pistols: Performer
So Into You
Hair of the Dog
Ain't No Woman (Like The One I've Got)
California Love
Se Fue
Opening Titles (Chips Theme)
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Jon and Ponch
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Five Dirty Cops (Aka the Bad Guy Theme)
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Highway Robbery
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Ponch Arrives
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Bromance, Pt. 1
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Seven Mary Three in Pursuit
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
The Armored Car Heist
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Reed Jnr / Ray's Theme
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Fairground Chase
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Random Metal Outburst
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
That's Weird
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Ray Prepares for War
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Disappearing Act
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
The Drug House Raid
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Widow's Fund
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Trailer Trashed
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Ray's Hideaway
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Life Support
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Twelve Million
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Random Blues Interjection
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
You're Old as Fuck
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Over the Wall
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
An Eye for an Eye
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Man up Jon
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Help Me Up
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Terminator Arm / Bromance, Pt. 2
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
Jon and Ava Love Theme
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer
End Titles (Chips Theme)
iZLER (Fil Eisler): Performer

User reviews

Linda Jackson

Overall, the CHIPS soundtrack enhances the overall viewing experience, immersing the audience in the world of the California Highway Patrol and adding another layer of depth to the storytelling.

Deborah White

One of the standout aspects of the CHIPS soundtrack is its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia while still feeling fresh and modern. The eclectic mix of genres and styles adds depth to the film, making it a memorable and enjoyable cinematic experience.

Paul Young

The use of music in CHIPS effectively sets the tone for each scene, creating a dynamic atmosphere that keeps the audience engaged throughout the movie. The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the visuals enhances the overall viewing experience.

Ashley Wilson

The soundtrack of CHIPS perfectly captured the adrenaline-filled opening scene with its intense and pulsating music that heightened the tension of the bank robbery and car chase.

Stephanie Anderson

The use of music during the arrest scene where Castillo reveals his true identity as an FBI agent was impactful, adding a layer of suspense and drama to the moment of truth.

Donna Thomas

Overall, the diverse range of music in CHIPS helped to enhance the different moods and dynamics of the film, from action-packed sequences to comedic moments, contributing to a well-rounded auditory experience that complemented the on-screen action.

Edward Lopez

The soundtrack effectively sets the tone for the characters' complex relationships, such as Castillo's internal struggle and Clay Allen's loyalty, enhancing the emotional depth of the story.

Anthony Roberts

The use of music to highlight Jon Baker's journey from trainee to probationary approval is both uplifting and inspiring, creating a sense of growth and achievement that resonates with the audience.

Andrew Garcia

The music chosen for key emotional moments in the movie feels cliché and overused, detracting from the impact of the scenes and making them seem predictable and formulaic.

Ronald Hernandez

The soundtrack of CHIPS fails to capture the intensity and action-packed sequences of the film, leaving many scenes feeling flat and uninspired.

Mark Allen

The soundtrack during Jon's final exam and interview with Sergeant Hernandez reflected his determination and growth as a character, creating a sense of anticipation and hope for his success.

Anthony Lee

The choice of music during Jon Baker's training scenes provided a light-hearted and comedic tone, enhancing the humor and charm of his character as he navigates the challenges of becoming a CHP officer.

Lisa Rodriguez

The music during the car chase sequence is incredibly dynamic and engaging, adding a sense of excitement and urgency to the on-screen action.

Amanda Thompson

The CHIPS soundtrack perfectly captures the fast-paced action and tension of the film's opening scene with its intense and adrenaline-pumping music.

Steven Phillips

The score of CHIPS lacks originality and fails to create a unique identity for the film, blending in with generic action movie soundtracks and failing to enhance the overall viewing experience.

Robert Gonzalez

The soundtrack of CHIPS perfectly captures the high-octane action and fast-paced sequences of the film. The energetic beats and intense melodies enhance the adrenaline-pumping scenes, making them even more thrilling.

John Taylor

I found the soundtrack to be particularly effective in conveying the emotional weight of Castillo's past and the loss of his former partner, especially during the scene where he confronts the criminal crew. The music resonated with the character's internal conflict.