Christmas on Holly Lane is a heartwarming holiday film that follows three childhood friends, Sarah, Riley, and Cat, as they reunite in their hometown of Holly Lane for Christmas. Each of them is facing their own personal struggles and challenges, but together they rediscover the magic of the holiday season and the power of friendship.
As they navigate through their past and present, they come to realize that the true meaning of Christmas is not about the presents or decorations, but about the love and support of those closest to you. Through laughter, tears, and unexpected surprises, Sarah, Riley, and Cat learn to lean on each other and find joy in the simple moments that make the holiday season so special.
Join them on their journey as they rediscover the joy of Christmas and the importance of cherishing the memories and traditions that bring us together. Christmas on Holly Lane is a reminder that the greatest gift of all is the love we share with those who matter most.
Play | Title | Artist |
Christmas on Holly Lane
Jingle Bells
James Pierpont:
Joy to the World
George Frideric Handel:
Go Tell It on the Mountain
John Wesley Work Jr.: