Chungking Express Soundtrack (

Chungking Express Soundtrack (1994) cover

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Rating: 8.10/10 from 97000 votes
Tags: spoken inner thoughts
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Chungking Express

Title in Italiano:

Hong Kong Express

Title in Português:

Chungking Express

Title in Français:

Chungking Express

Title in Türk:

Chungking Ekspresi

Title in Deutsch:

Chungking Express


Wong Kar-Wai's movie about two love-struck cops is filmed in impressionistic splashes of motion and color.

The first half deals with Cop 223, who has broken up with his girlfriend of five years. He purchases a tin of pineapples with an expiration date of May 1 each day for a month. By the end of that time, he feels that he will either be rejoined with his love or that it too will have expired forever.

The second half shows Cop 663 dealing with his breakup with his flight attendant girlfriend. He talks to his apartment furnishings until he meets a new girl at a local lunch counter.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Chungking Express
Dream Person
Dolores O'Riordan: Writer
The Cranberries: (cover of "dreams"
Faye Wong: Performer
Know Oneself and Each Other
Faye Wong: Performer
California Dreamin'
Things In Life
Dennis Brown: Writer
What a Difference a Day Makes
Stanley Adams: Writer
Dinah Washington: Performer
Michael Galasso: Writer

User reviews

William Smith

The soundtrack of Chungking Express felt disconnected from the emotional depth of the characters' struggles. The music did not enhance the storytelling or create a cohesive atmosphere, leaving me feeling detached from the film's narrative.

David Johnson

The soundtrack of Chungking Express perfectly captures the dreamlike and emotional essence of the film, enhancing the viewing experience with its haunting melodies and evocative tones.

Amanda Harris

The music in Chungking Express elevates the overall viewing experience, immersing the audience in the characters' inner worlds.

Richard Robinson

The music in Chungking Express is a character in itself, serving as a powerful emotional anchor that guides the audience through the tumultuous and tender moments of the film.

Margaret Green

The soundtrack enhances the film's themes of love, loss, and serendipity, creating a deep emotional resonance with the audience.

David Walker

The sound design in Chungking Express is impeccable, enhancing the visual storytelling with its evocative and emotive musical choices.

Kenneth Rodriguez

The incorporation of Chinese pop songs in the soundtrack adds a cultural richness and authenticity to the film's setting in Hong Kong.

Steven Walker

Overall, the music in Chungking Express is a work of art in itself, enhancing the film's storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

John Jackson

The music in Chungking Express complements the film's visual style beautifully, creating a seamless blend of motion, color, and sound that immerses the audience in the characters' emotional journeys.

Stephanie Parker

The soundtrack of Chungking Express perfectly captures the mood and atmosphere of the film with its eclectic mix of music genres.

John King

Overall, the soundtrack of Chungking Express is a masterful work of art that elevates the film to new heights, underscoring the beauty and complexity of human relationships with its evocative melodies and poignant lyrics.

Ashley Phillips

The soundtrack of Chungking Express skillfully mirrors the characters' internal struggles and external environments, creating a rich tapestry of sound that enhances the film's themes of connection and disconnection.

Carol Brown

The instrumental tracks in the soundtrack create a sense of melancholy and longing that mirrors the characters' emotions in the movie.

Jennifer Harris

The use of iconic songs like California Dreamin' by The Mamas & The Papas adds a nostalgic and dreamy quality to the film's narrative.

Robert Johnson

The soundtrack's seamless integration with the film's visuals and narrative makes it a standout element of Wong Kar-Wai's cinematic masterpiece.

William Jones

I found the use of repetitive electronic beats and jarring sound effects in the soundtrack to be distracting and overwhelming. Instead of complementing the visual beauty of the film, the music seemed to clash with the delicate emotions portrayed on screen, diminishing the overall viewing experience.

Donna Anderson

The eclectic mix of musical styles in Chungking Express reflects the film's diverse narrative and thematic elements, offering a dynamic and engaging auditory experience for viewers.

Ashley Evans

The use of music in Chungking Express helps convey the sense of longing and melancholy that permeates the story, adding depth and resonance to the characters' experiences of love and loss.

Jennifer Allen

The lack of thematic coherence in the musical choices for Chungking Express made it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the cinematic world created by Wong Kar-Wai. The abrupt shifts in tone and style within the soundtrack disrupted the flow of the movie, preventing me from connecting with the characters' inner turmoil and romantic dilemmas.