Cinemassacre's Monster Madness 3 Soundtrack (

Cinemassacre's Monster Madness 3 Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 8.90/10 from 1788 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Cinemassacre's Monster Madness

Title in Italiano:

Cinemassacre's Monster Madness

Title in Português:

Cinemassacre's Monster Madness


Every October, James Rolfe reviews horror movies, whether it be the old-school silent-era monster classics, the golden-age Universal horror films from the '30s, '40s and '50s, the grotesque zombie flicks of the '60s and '70s, the super gory, yet cheesy slasher films of the '80s and '90s, and even the revisionist slasher and torture porn films of the 2000s. Sequels and all.

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Cinemassacre's Monster Madness 3