Cleaning Up is a character-full drama that follows an ordinary working-class woman named Sam. She is torn between two worlds: the everyday life of a devoted, loving Mum and the darker, dangerous world of insider trading.
Sassy office cleaner Sam is part of an invisible army of cleaners on a zero-hours contract. They mop, sweep, and vacuum in the early hours, unnoticed by many. Sam, however, is struggling with an on-line gambling addiction.
One day, Sam realizes she has access to lucrative Stock Market information. If used correctly, this information could be the answer to all her prayers. The show is set in the contrasting worlds of shiny Canary Wharf and the realities of modern suburbia.
Cleaning Up explores how far Sam will go to survive, claw back some self-respect, and get her life back on track. Will she be able to navigate the dangerous world of insider trading while maintaining her role as a devoted mother?