Cliffhanger Soundtrack (

Cliffhanger Soundtrack (1993) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 140000 votes
Tags: search and rescue
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Máximo riesgo

Title in Italiano:

Cliffhanger - L'ultima sfida

Title in Português:

Assalto Infernal



Gabriel "Gabe" Walker is a skilled rescue climber leading a peaceful life in the Rocky Mountains along with his fiancée and a couple of friends. However, everything changes radically when a beloved friend dies accidentally. Gabe can not climb anymore because he blames himself for the accident and he decides to quit to another place, leaving behind all the people he still loves, in order to forget his past. Eight months later Gabe returns intending to resume with his fiancée but his plans must be deferred as a group of thieves is in the mountains searching for two suitcases containing hundreds of million dollars that were accidentally dropped from a plane. They are willing to do anything to recover it and Gabe must face his painful past to foreclose the bandits to achieve their aim.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Do You Need Some?
Cliffhanger Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
Sarah's Farewell
Trevor Jones: Performer
Sarah Falls
Trevor Jones: Performer
Gabe Returns
Trevor Jones: Performer
I Understand
Trevor Jones: Performer
Being Tracked
Trevor Jones: Performer
Matheson Revives
Trevor Jones: Performer
Plane Crash
Trevor Jones: Performer
Two Man Job
Trevor Jones: Performer
Tolerated Help
Trevor Jones: Performer
Fetch/Expensive Funeral
Trevor Jones: Performer
Hal Leads
Trevor Jones: Performer
Ice Castle
Trevor Jones: Performer
Sunset Searching/Night Searching
Trevor Jones: Performer
Face Flare
Trevor Jones: Performer
Qualen in Hut/Fireside Chat
Trevor Jones: Performer
Brett's Death/Evan's Dive
Trevor Jones: Performer
Trevor Jones: Performer
Wolves Away/Footbridge
Trevor Jones: Performer
Gabe's Caught
Trevor Jones: Performer
Kynette Is Impaled
Trevor Jones: Performer
Qualen's Time Bomb
Trevor Jones: Performer
Jessie's Close Call
Trevor Jones: Performer
Frank's Demise
Trevor Jones: Performer
Blown Bridge
Trevor Jones: Performer
Kristel's Sacrifice
Trevor Jones: Performer
Rabbit Hole
Trevor Jones: Performer
Delmar Falls
Trevor Jones: Performer
Disc Time:
Trevor Jones: Performer
Rabbit Surprise
Trevor Jones: Performer
Icy Stream/Jessie's Release/Hooked Copter/Helicopter Fight
Trevor Jones: Performer
End Credits (Cliffhanger)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Trevor Jones: Performer
Sunset Searching
Trevor Jones: Performer
Base Jump
Trevor Jones: Performer
Fireside Chat
Trevor Jones: Performer
Icy Stream
Trevor Jones: Performer
Jessie's Release/Helicopter Fight
Trevor Jones: Performer
BONUS TRACK: Hooked Copter (stereo album mix)
Trevor Jones: Performer
Setting Cable
Trevor Jones: Performer
Sarah Slips
Trevor Jones: Performer
Driving Invitation
Trevor Jones: Performer
Being Tricked / Matheson Revives
Trevor Jones: Performer
Fetch / Expensive Funeral
Trevor Jones: Performer
Ice Castle / Sunset Searching
Trevor Jones: Performer
Night Searching / Face Flare
Trevor Jones: Performer
Qualen In Hut / Fireside Chat
Trevor Jones: Performer
Brett's Death / Evan's Drive
Trevor Jones: Performer
Wolves Away
Trevor Jones: Performer
Trevor Jones: Performer
Kynette's Impaled
Trevor Jones: Performer
Qualen's Timebomb / Jessie's Close Call
Trevor Jones: Performer
Blown Bridge / Krystel's Sacrifice
Trevor Jones: Performer
Icy Stream / Jessie's Release / Hooked Copter / Copter Fight
Trevor Jones: Performer
Cliffhanger End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Jessie's Release
Trevor Jones: Performer
Helicopter Fight
Trevor Jones: Performer
End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Cliffhanger - End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Last of The Mohicans - Suite: Main Title
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Last of The Mohicans - Suite: The Kiss
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Last of The Mohicans - Suite: Top Of The World
Trevor Jones: Performer
Merlin - Suite. Opening Titles
Trevor Jones: Performer
Merlin - Suite. Ambrosia Dies
Trevor Jones: Performer
Merlin - Suite. Re-United
Trevor Jones: Performer
Merlin - Suite. End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Roseanna's Grave - Suite: Roseanna's Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
Roseanna's Grave - Suite: Antonio Looks For Cecilia
Trevor Jones: Performer
Roseanna's Grave - Suite: Marcello On Vespa
Trevor Jones: Performer
Roseanna's Grave - Suite: End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Aegis - Ko Is Shot
Trevor Jones: Performer
Aegis - End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth - Suite: Main Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth - Suite: Snow Mistress
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth - Suite: Norvegian Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth - Suite: Chamber Ensemble At Mabel Beardsley's Souiree
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth - Suite: Message To The Public
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth - Suite: Closing Title
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Mighty - Chapter Six: The Empty / Death Of A Knight
Trevor Jones: Performer
Fields Of Freedom - Confederates & Unionists Regroup. Destiny Of A Nation
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Dark Crystal - Suite: Overture
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Dark Crystal - Suite: The Skeksis Duel
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Dark Crystal - Suite: Love Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Dark Crystal - Suite: The Gelfling Ruins
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Dark Crystal - Suite: The Landstrider Journey
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Dark Crystal - Suite: Finale
Trevor Jones: Performer
Merlin Opening Titles
Trevor Jones: Performer
Ambrosia Dies
Trevor Jones: Performer
Trevor Jones: Performer
Merlin End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Roseanna's Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
Antonio Looks For Cecilia
Trevor Jones: Performer
Marcello On Vespa
Trevor Jones: Performer
Roseanna's Grave End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Ko Is Shot / End Credits
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth Main Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
Snow Mistress
Trevor Jones: Performer
Norwegian Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
Chamber Ensemble At Mabel Beardsley's Soiree
Trevor Jones: Performer
Message To The Public
Trevor Jones: Performer
Last Place On Earth Closing Title
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Last Of The Mohicans Main Title
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Kiss
Trevor Jones: Performer
Fort Battle
Trevor Jones: Performer
Top Of The World
Trevor Jones: Performer
Chapter Six - The Empty Book / Death Of A Knight
Trevor Jones: Performer
Confederates & Unionists Regroup / Destiny Of A Nation
Trevor Jones: Performer
Dark Crystal Overture
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Skeksis Duel
Trevor Jones: Performer
Love Theme
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Gelfling Ruins
Trevor Jones: Performer
The Landstrider Journey
Trevor Jones: Performer
Dark Crystal Finale
Trevor Jones: Performer
Trevor Jones: Performer
Axel Heiberg
Trevor Jones: Performer

User reviews

Michael King

I found the soundtrack of Cliffhanger underwhelming and lacking in emotional depth. The music failed to capture the intensity and suspense of the action scenes, leaving them feeling flat and uninspired.

Edward Turner

The soundtrack of Cliffhanger is a testament to the power of music in enhancing storytelling and building atmosphere in films.

Ashley Green

The soundtrack of Cliffhanger perfectly captures the intensity and drama of the movie's action sequences.

James Brown

The soundtrack features a good balance of adrenaline-pumping tracks and more emotional pieces that reflect the character development in the movie.

Joshua Phillips

The soundtrack of Cliffhanger enhances the overall cinematic experience and helps convey the emotions of the characters.

Thomas Johnson

The soundtrack of Cliffhanger perfectly captures the intensity and suspense of the movie with its powerful orchestral arrangements.

Deborah King

The use of orchestral music in the soundtrack enhances the suspense and thrill of the climbing scenes.

Charles Lewis

Overall, the soundtrack of Cliffhanger missed the mark in creating a memorable and engaging auditory experience, failing to elevate the film beyond its formulaic action movie tropes.

Jennifer Martin

The use of generic, cliché music cues felt out of place and disconnected from the storyline, failing to enhance the overall viewing experience. The lack of originality in the soundtrack detracted from the film's ability to immerse the audience in the high-stakes mountain rescue mission.

Sarah Allen

The main theme of Cliffhanger is memorable and effectively sets the tone for the entire film.

Sarah Phillips

Overall, the music in Cliffhanger effectively complements the visuals and storyline, creating a cohesive audio-visual experience for the audience.

Kimberly Parker

The music elevates the tension in key moments, making the audience feel more engaged with the story.

Amanda Roberts

The composer's use of percussion in certain tracks adds a sense of urgency and danger to the scenes.

Deborah Smith

The music seamlessly integrates with the visuals, creating a cohesive and immersive audiovisual experience for the audience.

Donald Clark

The incorporation of electronic elements in some of the tracks gives the soundtrack a modern and dynamic feel, blending well with the high-energy scenes of the film.

Mark Hill

The use of dramatic percussion in the soundtrack adds a sense of urgency and tension to the action sequences, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Robert Hall

The emotional melodies in certain tracks evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, reflecting the internal struggles of the main character, Gabe Walker, as he confronts his past.