"Cold of Kalandar" is a Turkish drama film directed by Mustafa Kara. The story follows a family living in a remote village in the mountains of Turkey. The protagonist, Mehmet, is a middle-aged man who struggles to make a living as a charcoal maker. He faces numerous challenges, including harsh weather conditions, financial difficulties, and personal conflicts within his family.
As winter approaches, Mehmet's life becomes even more difficult as he tries to provide for his wife and children. The film explores themes of survival, resilience, and the harsh realities of rural life. Mehmet's determination to overcome his challenges and provide for his family drives the narrative forward, leading to a poignant and emotional climax.
"Cold of Kalandar" has received critical acclaim for its stunning cinematography, authentic portrayal of rural life, and powerful performances. The film offers a glimpse into the struggles of those living in remote areas and the resilience required to survive in such harsh conditions.