Common Law Soundtrack (

Common Law Soundtrack (2012) cover

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Rating: 7.90/10 from 6400 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Common Law

Title in Italiano:

Common Law

Title in Português:

Parceiros à Força

Title in Français:

Wes et Travis

Title in Türk:

Wes et Travis

Title in Deutsch:

Common Law


Common Law is a comedy-drama television series that follows two Los Angeles Police Department detectives, Travis Marks and Wes Mitchell, who are forced to attend couples therapy to save their partnership. Despite their differences in personality and work ethic, they must find a way to work together to solve crimes and navigate their complicated personal lives.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Common Law
Kobe (feat. Snoop Dogg & Derrick Milano)
Snoop Dogg: Artist
Dame D.O.L.L.A: Artist

User reviews

Joshua White

There was a lack of variety in the musical styles used throughout the series, resulting in repetitive and monotonous background music that did little to engage viewers or elevate key moments in the show.

Mark Anderson

The soundtrack of Common Law is an absolute masterpiece that perfectly complements the thrilling and comedic moments of the show.

Patricia Garcia

I appreciate how the music captures the dynamic relationship between the two main characters, Travis and Wes, adding depth to their interactions and emotional moments.

James Adams

Overall, the soundtrack of Common Law not only complements the narrative but also elevates the viewing experience by adding layers of emotion and tension to the story.

William Rodriguez

The variety of genres and styles in the soundtrack keeps it fresh and engaging, making it a standout feature of the series that I absolutely love.

Richard Parker

The soundtrack of Common Law is a perfect blend of upbeat and tense music that sets the tone for the show's comedy-drama genre.

William Allen

The variety of music genres featured in the soundtrack of Common Law reflects the diverse personalities of the characters and the different situations they find themselves in. From upbeat tracks to emotional melodies, the music effectively sets the tone for each episode and keeps the audience engaged throughout the series.

Mark Adams

The music choices often felt generic and uninspired, failing to enhance the overall viewing experience or create a memorable atmosphere for the audience.

Daniel Hill

The music sets the tone for each scene, enhancing the emotions and creating a truly immersive experience for the viewers.

Michelle Harris

The use of different genres in the soundtrack, from energetic rock to suspenseful orchestral pieces, keeps the audience engaged and enhances the overall viewing experience.

Steven Wright

The soundtrack of Common Law failed to capture the dynamic and intense nature of the show's plot, leaving scenes feeling flat and lacking emotional depth.

Elizabeth Carter

The soundtrack of Common Law perfectly captures the dynamic and complex relationship between the two main characters, Travis and Wes. The music enhances the comedic moments as well as the more dramatic and intense scenes, adding depth to the storytelling.

Laura Anderson

The music in Common Law effectively mirrors the characters' internal struggles and growth throughout the series, creating a strong emotional connection with the viewers.

Betty Thomas

Each track in the soundtrack is carefully selected to match the tone of the scenes, enhancing the storytelling and immersing the audience in the world of the show.