Company Business Soundtrack (

Company Business Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 3300 votes
Tags: lake havasu arizona, reference to the contras of nicaragua
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Espías sin fronteras

Title in Italiano:

Spie contro

Title in Português:

Estranha Aliança

Title in Français:


Title in Türk:

Company Business

Title in Deutsch:

Company Business


Rogue CIA agent Sam Boyd is called back by "the Company" to do some work. Namely a hostage trade of jailed Soviet spy Pyiotr Grushenko for an American agent the Soviets had taken. In the newly united Germany the trade goes bad and Grushenko and Boyd find themselves on the run from both the KGB and the CIA as they unravel an International espionage plot set at the end of the Soviet era. American and Soviet find themselves in an uneasy partnership as they hop around Europe trying to stay alive.

Notes: Baryshnikov hated this movie he refused to even do publicity for it.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Company Business
The Boys In The Back Room
Friedrich Hollaender: Writer
Tony Bremner: Arranged and producedv
Adèle Anderson: Performer
Journey To Alexanderplatz
Michael Kamen: Performer
Faisal's Escape
Michael Kamen: Performer
Michael Kamen: Performer
Café Jatte
Michael Kamen: Performer
Eiffel Tower
Michael Kamen: Performer
The Island
Michael Kamen: Performer
Disc Time:
Michael Kamen: Performer
Main Title
Michael Kamen: Performer
Dulles Airport
Michael Kamen: Performer
The Swap
Michael Kamen: Performer
Michael Kamen: Performer
Closing Up Berlin Montage
Michael Kamen: Performer
Michael Kamen: Performer
Michael Kamen: Performer
Sam & Grushenko Meet Natasha
Michael Kamen: Performer
Natasha Is Followed
Michael Kamen: Performer
Natasha Returns To Her Office
Michael Kamen: Performer
Café Jatte Source / Natasha Is Kidnapped
Michael Kamen: Performer
Sam Is Chased
Michael Kamen: Performer
The Island (End Credits)
Michael Kamen: Performer
THE EXTRAS: The Swap (Alternate)
Michael Kamen: Performer
Island Source – Intro
Michael Kamen: Performer
Cafe Jatte
Michael Kamen: Performer
Eifel Tower
Michael Kamen: Performer

User reviews

Ronald Roberts

The soundtrack of Company Business lacked depth and creativity, failing to capture the tension and suspense of the espionage plot. The music felt generic and uninspired, making it difficult to become fully immersed in the film's storyline.

George Green

The dynamic and energetic rhythms of the soundtrack enhance the action sequences in the film, creating a sense of urgency and excitement that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The music propels the narrative forward and elevates the overall cinematic experience.

Steven Jackson

The music adds a layer of complexity to the characters' motivations and relationships, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

James Taylor

The use of recurring motifs in the music helps to unify the different plot threads and create a cohesive narrative.

George Wilson

The soundtrack of Company Business perfectly captures the tension and excitement of the espionage thriller genre. Each track enhances the on-screen action and keeps the audience engaged throughout the film.

Donald Turner

The soundtrack of Company Business showcases a diverse range of musical styles that complement the diverse locations visited by the characters.

Kimberly Evans

The emotional resonance of the soundtrack in Company Business is truly remarkable. The poignant melodies and haunting themes underscore the complex relationships between the characters, adding layers of depth to the storytelling.

Emily Taylor

The soundtrack of Company Business failed to evoke the appropriate emotions needed to fully engage with the characters and their motivations. The music felt out of place at times, breaking the immersion and preventing me from fully connecting with the story being presented on screen.

Michael Hernandez

The orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack are both suspenseful and thrilling, creating a sense of urgency that mirrors the high-stakes situations faced by the characters. The music adds depth to the storyline and elevates the overall viewing experience.

Ronald Wright

The score effectively builds tension during key moments of the film, heightening the stakes for the protagonists.

Donald Young

The music enhances the thrilling chase scenes throughout the film, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Ashley Thompson

Overall, the soundtrack of Company Business enhances the storytelling and elevates the film to a more engaging and immersive experience for the audience.

Margaret Wilson

The soundtrack of Company Business perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the espionage plot.

Thomas Thompson

I appreciate how the soundtrack seamlessly blends different musical genres to reflect the cultural diversity of the characters and settings in the film. From orchestral arrangements to electronic beats, the music keeps the audience engaged throughout the movie.

Richard Clark

The soundtrack effectively sets the tone for the Cold War era setting of the film, immersing the viewers in the time period.

Sarah Adams

The musical score of Company Business felt disconnected from the on-screen action, often missing opportunities to enhance key moments of drama and intrigue. The lack of cohesion between the soundtrack and the narrative detracted from the overall viewing experience and left me feeling underwhelmed.

Elizabeth Evans

The use of subtle, atmospheric melodies adds depth to the characters' emotional arcs in the story.

Donald King

The combination of orchestral pieces and electronic elements creates a modern yet classic sound that fits the movie's genre.

Linda Nelson

The soundtrack of Company Business perfectly captures the suspense and tension of the international espionage plot. The music enhances the thrilling chase scenes and adds depth to the character development.

Kimberly Carter

The fusion of traditional orchestral elements with modern electronic beats in the soundtrack of Company Business is a brilliant choice that reflects the merging of American and Soviet interests in the plot. The music not only complements the narrative but also adds layers of complexity to the characters' motivations and relationships.